This issue covers September 6th in crossover fandom.
All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!
dazzleme made
We Love Until We Bleed, Supernatural/One Tree Hill, Dean/Brooke
Bad Girls
xhecticbankaix wrote
You and I, R, Bad Girls/Sarah Jane Adventures, Sarah Jane Smith/Yvonne Atkins
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Angel: the Series
shadowglove88 wrote
SuperSlayerVille, Part 1, T, Buffy/Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Angel and ensemble
vodooman wrote
The monks decide, a life begins, G, Dawn, Daniel Jackson
kliqzangel wrote
The Redemption of Lost Souls though Love and Vengeance, PG-13, Angel/Supernatural, Sam/Lindsey
ffutures wrote
Wolfbane, Part 4, Teen, Marvel Comics/Angel
vodooman wrote
High Heels, G, Buffy/Twilight, Dawn/Embry
Dark Angel
trolllogicfics wrote
World Behind Windows, PG-13, Dark Angel/Supernatural
trolllogicfics wrote
World Through Walls, PG-13, Dark Angel/Supernatural
emmademarais wrote
Across the Universe, PG-13, Numb3rs/Firefly
Marvel Comics
ffutures wrote
Wolfbane, Part 4, Teen, Marvel Comics/Angel
gixxer_pilot wrote
Alienated, PG-13, NCIS/Transformers
emmademarais wrote
Across the Universe, PG-13, Numb3rs/Firefly
kitty_alex wrote
Six Degrees of Pineapple, PG, Psych/Supernatural, Dean/Castiel
Sarah Jane Adventures
xhecticbankaix wrote
You and I, R, Bad Girls/Sarah Jane Adventures, Sarah Jane Smith/Yvonne Atkins
shadowglove88 wrote
SuperSlayerVille, Part 1, T, Buffy/Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Angel and ensemble
Stargate Atlantis & Stargate SG-1
vodooman wrote
The monks decide, a life begins, G, Dawn, Daniel Jackson
trolllogicfics wrote
World Behind Windows, PG-13, Dark Angel/Supernatural
trolllogicfics wrote
World Through Walls, PG-13, Dark Angel/Supernatural
kitty_alex wrote
Six Degrees of Pineapple, PG, Psych/Supernatural, Dean/Castiel
shadowglove88 wrote
SuperSlayerVille, Part 1, T, Buffy/Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Angel and ensemble
alakewood wrote
Thicker Than Water, R, Supernatural/True Blood, Dean/Jason
kliqzangel wrote
The Redemption of Lost Souls though Love and Vengeance, PG-13, Angel/Supernatural, Sam/Lindsey
ultraviolet9a wrote
True Places, PG-13, Angel/Supernatural, Angel, Castiel
gixxer_pilot wrote
Alienated, PG-13, NCIS/Transformers
True Blood
alakewood wrote
Thicker Than Water, R, Supernatural/True Blood, Dean/Jason
vodooman wrote
High Heels, G, Buffy/Twilight, Dawn/Embry
We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.
~Your editor,