Volume 004, Issue 226

Aug 23, 2009 22:20

Volume 004, Issue 226
This issue covers Aug 22 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!


Angel: the Series:
ffutures wrote Wolfbane, 3/?: Teen+, AtS/Marvel
christywild wrote Whatever It Takes, 4/?: FR15, AtS/In Death/HL: gen

Anita Blake:
lyveah wrote From Sunnydale with Love 4: FR15, BtVS/Anita Blake

Battlestar Galactica:
ninty6tears wrote Rising Sun, 2/7: R, BSG/ST:TOS: Starbuck/Kirk

Buffy: the Vampire Slayer:
dennsedai wrote Lost in Memories: FRT, BtVS/Riftwar: gen
manchester_17 wrote Sunnydale Ho!: FR15, BtVS/Rawhide
beri_fanfic wrote Family Secrets 22: FR13, BtVS/Without a Trace
rosie1234 wrote Strange Girls in a Very Strange World: PG13, SV/DW/BtVS: Rose/Lois/Buffy
nestdweller wrote Another Day, 22: FR18, BtVS/Rescue Me: Faith/Xander
lyveah wrote From Sunnydale with Love 4: FR15, BtVS/Anita Blake
indraleigh wrote Laundry & Robbery: FR13, The Sentinel/BtVS
koohii_cafe wrote A Suspicious Gift: FR7, SG-1/BtVS
silkensky wrote Five Times Eliot..., Part 2: PG15, Leverage/BtVS: Eliot, Dawn
jerseyfabulous wrote The Song That Never Ends: FR13, BtVS/Discworld
burning_nova wrote Understandings: FR7, BtVS/Dresden Files
ramenth wrote Multiple Jurisdictions, 4: FR18, BtVS/NCIS
jedibuttercup wrote Mover and Shaker: FR13, BtVS/Push

jerseyfabulous wrote The Song That Never Ends: FR13, BtVS/Discworld

Doctor Who:
rosie1234 wrote This Is Not Happening, Wake Up Lois Lane: PG13, DW/SV: Ten/Lois
rosie1234 wrote Promises Are Promises, Miss Lane: PG13, DW/SV: Ten/Lois
rosie1234 wrote Strange Girls in a Very Strange World: PG13, SV/DW/BtVS: Rose/Lois/Buffy
rosie1234 wrote Fights Away My Nightmares with Sonic Screwdrivers: PG, DW/Firefly: Ten/River

The Dresden Files:
burning_nova wrote Understandings: FR7, BtVS/Dresden Files

iluvroadrunner6 wrote Complicated People: PG13-FRT, TW/Firefly: Jack/Inara
rosie1234 wrote Fights Away My Nightmares with Sonic Screwdrivers: PG, DW/Firefly: Ten/River

Friday the 13th (2009):
maddonna001 wrote Fly on the Windscreen, 9/?: NC17, Friday the 13th/My Bloody Valentine: Tom/Clay, Clay/OFC

Harry Potter:
austin316hockey wrote Fate Twice Defied, 14/?: PG13, TSCC/HP: John/Harry
auselysium wrote In Search of What Comes Easy, 6/?: R, HP/QaF: Brian/Draco, Harry/Draco

stardustgrl wrote Moving On: PG13, TW/HL: Jack/Ianto
christywild wrote Whatever It Takes, 4/?: FR15, AtS/In Death/HL: gen

House, M.D:
antiqueskies wrote Artificial: PG, House/SGA: House & Weir

In Death:
christywild wrote Whatever It Takes, 4/?: FR15, AtS/In Death/HL: gen

silkensky wrote Five Times Eliot..., Part 2: PG15, Leverage/BtVS: Eliot, Dawn

Marvel Universe:
ffutures wrote Wolfbane, 3/?: Teen+, AtS/Marvel

My Bloody Valentine:
maddonna001 wrote Fly on the Windscreen, 9/?: NC17, Friday the 13th/My Bloody Valentine: Tom/Clay, Clay/OFC

ramenth wrote Multiple Jurisdictions, 4: FR18, BtVS/NCIS

jedibuttercup wrote Mover and Shaker: FR13, BtVS/Push

Queer As Folk:
auselysium wrote In Search of What Comes Easy, 6/?: R, HP/QaF: Brian/Draco, Harry/Draco

manchester_17 wrote Sunnydale Ho!: FR15, BtVS/Rawhide

Rescue Me:
nestdweller wrote Another Day, 22: FR18, BtVS/Rescue Me: Faith/Xander

Riftwar (Raymond E. Fiest):
dennsedai wrote Lost in Memories: FRT, BtVS/Riftwar: gen

The Sentinel:
indraleigh wrote Laundry & Robbery: FR13, The Sentinel/BtVS

justforspite wrote Death Will Follow, Part 1 & Part 2/?: R, SPN/SV: Dean/Chloe
rosie1234 wrote This Is Not Happening, Wake Up Lois Lane: PG13, DW/SV: Ten/Lois
rosie1234 wrote Promises Are Promises, Miss Lane: PG13, DW/SV: Ten/Lois
rosie1234 wrote Strange Girls in a Very Strange World: PG13, SV/DW/BtVS: Rose/Lois/Buffy
divas_lament wrote Girls Just Want to Have Fun...and No Sparkles: PG13, SV/SPN: OCs
rosie1234 wrote Ashes to Ashes, 2/?: PG13, SV/SPN: Lois/Dean

Stargate: Atlantis:
savingfaith333 wrote What Happens in Vegas, 7/10: NC17, SPN/SGA: Dean/Castiel, Sheppard/McKay
antiqueskies wrote Artificial: PG, House/SGA: House & Weir

Stargate: SG-1:
koohii_cafe wrote A Suspicious Gift: FR7, SG-1/BtVS

Star Trek: TOS:
ninty6tears wrote Rising Sun, 2/7: R, BSG/ST:TOS: Starbuck/Kirk

Star Trek XI:
trolllogicfics wrote can see it in his eyes: PG, SPN/ST:XI

zooeyrye wrote Marvellous Structures of Reality: PG13, True Blood/SPN: Dean/Castiel
trolllogicfics wrote can see it in his eyes: PG, SPN/ST:XI
justforspite wrote Death Will Follow, Part 1 & Part 2/?: R, SPN/SV: Dean/Chloe
virtualpersonal & Fetish wrote Possession, 26/?: NC17, SPN/Twilight: Sam/Dean
savingfaith333 wrote What Happens in Vegas, 7/10: NC17, SPN/SGA: Dean/Castiel, Sheppard/McKay
divas_lament wrote Girls Just Want to Have Fun...and No Sparkles: PG13, SV/SPN: OCs
rosie1234 wrote Ashes to Ashes, 2/?: PG13, SV/SPN: Lois/Dean

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles:
austin316hockey wrote Fate Twice Defied, 14/?: PG13, TSCC/HP: John/Harry

iluvroadrunner6 wrote Complicated People: PG13-FRT, TW/Firefly: Jack/Inara
stardustgrl wrote Moving On: PG13, TW/HL: Jack/Ianto

True Blood:
zooeyrye wrote Marvellous Structures of Reality: PG13, True Blood/SPN: Dean/Castiel

virtualpersonal & Fetish wrote Possession, 26/?: NC17, SPN/Twilight: Sam/Dean

Without a Trace:
beri_fanfic wrote Family Secrets 22: FR13, BtVS/Without a Trace

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.


star trek: tos, discworld, rescue me, friday the 13th, buffy, true blood, torchwood, riftwar, push, battlestar galactica, doctor who, the sentinel, highlander, queer as folk, in death, firefly, marvel comics, twilight, supernatural, house m.d., anita blake, stargate: sg-1, rawhide, star trek: reboot, dresden files, stargate: atlantis, smallville, harry potter, leverage, without a trace, my bloody valentine, terminator (tv), ncis, angel

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