Volume 004, Issue 220

Aug 17, 2009 20:35

This issue covers August 16th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

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Anita Blake
lyveah wrote Correspondence 5, FR15, Buffy/Anita Blake

Austin Powers
manchester_17 wrote The Look Of Love Is In Your Eyes, FR18, Buffy/Austin Powers

Babylon 5
rat_hospital wrote The Sontaran Dilemma, PG, Doctor Who/Babylon 5

Battlestar Galactica
ennyousai and dancinbutterfly wrote Interfaced, R, Star Trek XI/Battlestar Galactica

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Angel: the Series
koohii_cafe wrote News, FR13, Buffy/Supernatural, Hank
tres_mechante wrote Shelter from the Storm, T, Buffy/Supernatural, Dean/Tara
jedibuttercup wrote Just Another Day in the Neighborhood, PG-13, Buffy/Eureka, Jo
jedibuttercup wrote What Seems to Be, FR7, Buffy/Eureka
ramenth wrote Intersections, FR18, Buffy/Law and Order: SVU
burning_nova wrote Without a Trace 2, FR13, Buffy/NCIS
silkensky wrote Dreamer, Part 5, PG15, Buffy/The Sentinel, Alex Barnes
lit_gal wrote The Good Life, FR15, Sentinel/Buffy
indraleigh wrote New Guy, PG-13, Buffy/Stargate: SG-1
christywild wrote Take a Break, FR15, Angel/Lilo & Stitch
lyveah wrote Correspondence 5, FR15, Buffy/Anita Blake
grundy wrote Mum's the Word, FR13, Buffy/Harry Potter
beri_fanfic wrote Family Secrets, Part 16, Not Rated, Buffy/Canterbury Tales
nestdweller wrote Another Day, FR18, Buffy/Rescue Me, Faith/Xander
manchester_17 wrote The Look Of Love Is In Your Eyes, FR18, Buffy/Austin Powers

Canterbury Tales
beri_fanfic wrote Family Secrets, Part 16, Not Rated, Buffy/Canterbury Tales

lil_jei wrote Just One Night Couldn't Be So Wrong, R, CSI: Miami/NCIS, Gibbs/Caine

Dark Angel
spastic_visions wrote World Through Windows, PG-13, Dark Angel/Supernatural

Dawson's Creek
punkfunkdisco wrote Alien Assembly PG, Doctor Who/Dawson's Creek

Doctor Who
rat_hospital wrote The Sontaran Dilemma, PG, Doctor Who/Babylon 5
punkfunkdisco wrote Alien Assembly PG, Doctor Who/Dawson's Creek

jedibuttercup wrote Just Another Day in the Neighborhood, PG-13, Buffy/Eureka, Jo
jedibuttercup wrote What Seems to Be, FR7, Buffy/Eureka

Friday the 13th
maddonna001 wrote Fly on the Windscreen, Part 8, Friday the 13th/My Bloody Valentine, Tom/Clay

caffeinekitty wrote Exeunt All, Pursued by Hobbits, PG-13, Hamlet/Lord of the Rings, Pippin, Merry, Hamlet

Harry Potter
grundy wrote Mum's the Word, FR13, Buffy/Harry Potter

Law and Order (all Series)
ramenth wrote Intersections, FR18, Buffy/Law and Order: SVU

Lilo & Stitch
christywild wrote Take a Break, FR15, Angel/Lilo & Stitch

Lord of the Rings
caffeinekitty wrote Exeunt All, Pursued by Hobbits, PG-13, Hamlet/Lord of the Rings, Pippin, Merry, Hamlet

The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra
caffeinekitty wrote Scientists and Skeletons and Mutants, Oh My! PG-13, The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra/Torchwood

Men in Black
spae wrote Five Times Gibbs and Tony forget they meet the Men in Black, Part 1/5, PG-13, Men in Black/NCIS, Gibbs/Tony

My Bloody Valentine
maddonna001 wrote Fly on the Windscreen, Part 8, Friday the 13th/My Bloody Valentine, Tom/Clay

lil_jei wrote Just One Night Couldn't Be So Wrong, R, CSI: Miami/NCIS, Gibbs/Caine
spae wrote Five Times Gibbs and Tony forget they meet the Men in Black, Part 1/5, PG-13, Men in Black/NCIS, Gibbs/Tony
burning_nova wrote Without a Trace 2, FR13, Buffy/NCIS

Rescue Me
nestdweller wrote Another Day, FR18, Buffy/Rescue Me, Faith/Xander

The Sentinel
silkensky wrote Dreamer, Part 5, PG15, Buffy/The Sentinel, Alex Barnes
lit_gal wrote The Good Life, FR15, Sentinel/Buffy

Star Trek (All Series)
ennyousai and dancinbutterfly wrote Interfaced, R, Star Trek XI/Battlestar Galactica

Stargate Atlantis & Stargate SG-1
bannerholic wrote A Hop, a Skip and a Puddle-Jump, Part 5, K+, Stargate: Atlantis/Supernatural
savingfaith333 wrote What Happens in Vegas, Part 4/10, NC-17, Supernatural/Stargate: Atlantis, Dean/Castiel, McKay/Sheppard
indraleigh wrote New Guy, PG-13, Buffy/Stargate: SG-1

koohii_cafe wrote News, FR13, Buffy/Supernatural, Hank
bannerholic wrote A Hop, a Skip and a Puddle-Jump, Part 5, K+, Stargate: Atlantis/Supernatural
tres_mechante wrote Shelter from the Storm, T, Buffy/Supernatural, Dean/Tara
spastic_visions wrote World Through Windows, PG-13, Dark Angel/Supernatural
savingfaith333 wrote What Happens in Vegas, Part 4/10, NC-17, Supernatural/Stargate: Atlantis, Dean/Castiel, McKay/Sheppard

caffeinekitty wrote Scientists and Skeletons and Mutants, Oh My! PG-13, The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra/Torchwood

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

dawson's creek, shakespeare, rescue me, friday the 13th, babylon 5, buffy, men in black, csi: miami, supernatural, anita blake, star trek: reboot, torchwood, literature (gen), battlestar galactica, the sentinel, lilo & stitch, stargate: atlantis, harry potter, austin powers, dark angel, lost skeleton of cadavra, lord of the rings, my bloody valentine, law & order: svu, ncis, angel, eureka

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