Volume 004, Issue 176

Jul 03, 2009 19:37

This issue covers July 2nd in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

Current Challenges
femslash_today has the Annual femslash_today Porn Battle, with many crossover prompts

Angel: The Series
virtualpersonal wrote "Love is a Battlefield", 4/5, NC-17, Angel/Supernatural: Dean/Cordelia

jlrpuck_fic wrote "The Substance of Things Hoped For", 20/29, M, Blackpool/Doctor Who: Rose Tyler/Peter Carlisle

Blood Ties
belovedbywar wrote "Who Wants to Live Forever?" R, Blood Ties/Highlander

Buffy:The Vampire Slayer
booster17 wrote "Xander and the Birds of Prey", PG, BtVS/Birds of Prey: Buffy, Faith, Giles, Oz, Willow, Xander
booster17 wrote "Old Friends, New Adventures", Parts 1 and 2, R, Doctor Who/BtVS: Dawn, Ten
virtualpersonal wrote "Inspiration Point", 1/3, NC-17, Supernatural/BtVS: Dean/Buffy, Sam

DCU Comics booster17 wrote "Xander and the Birds of Prey", PG, BtVS/Birds of Prey: Buffy, Faith, Giles, Oz, Willow, Xander

Doctor Who
booster17 wrote "Old Friends, New Adventures", Parts 1 and 2, R, Doctor Who/BtVS: Dawn, Ten
ljgeoff wrote "In the Old Forest", G, LoTR/Doctor Who: Ten/Rose
jlrpuck_fic wrote "The Substance of Things Hoped For", 20/29, M, Blackpool/Doctor Who: Rose Tyler/Peter Carlisle

guardgal4eva wrote "Guardian", Teen, Star Trek XI/Doom: McCoy/Kirk

Final Fantasy
karaguni wrote "The Business of Fear", R, Highlander/Final Fantasy VII

apckrfan wrote Set the Night on Fire, R, Firefly/Heroes: Claire/Mal

Harry Potter
hells_half_acre wrote "Those Damned Demented Demons", Part 18, PG-13, Harry Potter/Supernatural

apckrfan wrote "The Nick of Time", R, Slither/Heroes: Clare Bennet, Bill Pardy, Kylie Strutemyer
apckrfan wrote Set the Night on Fire, R, Firefly/Heroes: Claire/Mal

auberus wrote "Recognition", 1/5, unrated, Highlander/NCIS
belovedbywar wrote "Who Wants to Live Forever?" R, Blood Ties/Highlander
idontlikegravy wrote "If the Grapes are Good", unrated, Torchwood/Highlander
karaguni wrote "The Business of Fear", R, Highlander/Final Fantasy VII

The Hitcher
courtneyturney wrote "I Don't Feel Anything", Part 2, NC-17, Supernatural/The Hitcher: Sam/Grace, Dean/Grace, Sam/Ruby, Dean/Sam

putigress2012 wrote "Guinness World Records", NC-17, Star Trek XI/Iron Man: Jim Kirk/Tony Stark

Lord of the Rings
ljgeoff wrote "In the Old Forest", G, LoTR/Doctor Who: Ten/Rose

auberus wrote "Recognition", 1/5, unrated, Highlander/NCIS

The Pretender
phoenixnz wrote "Pretence", NC-17, Smallville/The Pretender: Clark/Lois, Oliver/Jane, Jarod/Parker

cordeliadlayne wrote "Not in Kansas Anymore", G, Supernatural/Primeval

apckrfan wrote "The Nick of Time", R, Slither/Heroes: Clare Bennet, Bill Pardy, Kylie Strutemyer

phoenixnz wrote "Pretence", NC-17, Smallville/The Pretender: Clark/Lois, Oliver/Jane, Jarod/Parker
fonopola wrote "Crossing Kansas: Bad Timing", PG, Supernatural/Smallville: Chloe
ellanorasedai wrote "Don't Want to Wake Up", PG, Supernatural/Smallville: Chloe, Dean, Sam, Bobby

Star Trek (All Series)
agirlnamedskip wrote "Just Wanna Touch You for A Minute", NC-17, Star Trek XI/X-Men: Kirk/Bones
putigress2012 wrote "Guinness World Records", NC-17, Star Trek XI/Iron Man: Jim Kirk/Tony Stark
guardgal4eva wrote "Guardian", Teen, Star Trek XI/Doom: McCoy/Kirk

Superman Returns
ffutures wrote "A Matter of Respect", unrated, Superman Returns/surprise fandom

fonopola wrote "Crossing Kansas: Bad Timing", PG, Supernatural/Smallville: Chloe
ellanorasedai wrote "Don't Want to Wake Up", PG, Supernatural/Smallville: Chloe, Dean, Sam, Bobby
pen37 wrote "Plumage Issues", PG, Supernatural/Smallville: Chloe, Dean
virtualpersonal wrote "Love is a Battlefield", 4/5, NC-17, Angel/Supernatural: Dean/Cordelia
virtualpersonal wrote "Inspiration Point", 1/3, NC-17, Supernatural/BtVS: Dean/Buffy, Sam
hells_half_acre wrote "Those Damned Demented Demons", Part 18, PG-13, Harry Potter/Supernatural
cordeliadlayne wrote "Not in Kansas Anymore", G, Supernatural/Primeval
courtneyturney wrote "I Don't Feel Anything", Part 2, NC-17, Supernatural/The Hitcher: Sam/Grace, Dean/Grace, Sam/Ruby, Dean/Sam

idontlikegravy wrote "If the Grapes are Good", unrated, Torchwood/Highlander

agirlnamedskip wrote "Just Wanna Touch You for A Minute", NC-17, Star Trek XI/X-Men: Kirk/Bones

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

slither, superman (movies), hitcher, blood ties, the pretender, buffy, supernatural, iron man, x-men, doom (movie), blackpool, torchwood, dc comics, doctor who, smallville, harry potter, highlander, star trek, lord of the rings, heroes, final fantasy, primeval, ncis, firefly, angel

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