Title: Dinosaurs Dream of Magic
Dreamwind83Beta: Despertly Needed! Please apply!
Rating: R
Fandom: Harry Potter, Jurassic Park (movies)
Pairing: None
Characters: Harry Potter, The Dursleys, Alan Grant, Lex Murphy, Tim Murphy, Ellie Sattler, Ian Malcom, John Hammond, Sarah Harding, Billy Brennan, Paul Kerby, Amanda Kerby, Eric Kerby, Udeski, Pearl (Raptor OFC), Steele (Raptor OMC), Saffron (Raptor OMC), Loki (Raptor OMC)
Genre: Crossover, Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Dinosaurs, Angst, H/c, Violence, Animal Transformation, Genetic Experimentation, Smart Dinosaurs
Author's Notes: Heavily inspired by the story 'The Point of No Return' by Araceil and 'Point of No Return' by Monsters-Need-Love-Too on FF.Net. Also inspired by ‘Up Close And Personal’ by Sheila_Snow on AO3.
Because it has always bugged me, I will be addressing the fact that in JP the Velociraptor is described as being roughly 9 ft long and 5 ft high. Which is very wrong. Actual velociraptors were about 6.8 ft long and 1.6 ft tall. The Velociraptor in the movie more like a hybrid of the Utahraptor, which is as long as 23 ft and as tall as 7 ft, and Deinonychus, which was roughly 11 ft long and roughly 3 ft tall.
Summery: Tossed overboard, Harry is forced to find his way to safety. Only safety, it turns out, is even more dangerous than the open ocean.
Prologue ::
Chapter 1 :: Chapter 2
Also on AO3: