Title: Harry Potter and the Daedric Artefact
Chapter Title: 4 - Dumbledore's Unexpected Guests
Fandoms: Harry Potter/Sunshine (2007)/The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Pairings: Harry Potter/Mace (Sunshine)
Story Rating: M/Restricted
Summary: A Daedric artefact helps Harry escape from Azkaban prison four years after him being falsely convicted of murder. Revenge, love, vindication, and chaos result, not necessarily in that order. Bashing, dark!Harry. x-over with 'Sunshine' and eventually, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Chapter Summary: Harry has a few choice words for Albus Dumbledore.
Disclaimer: See first chapter
Warnings: SLASH, mature subject matter, coarse language, violence... y'know, all the good stuff.
Chapter 4- Dumbledore's Unexpected Guests Previous chapters:
Chapter 3 *
Chapter 2 *
Chapter 1