Dec 28, 2004 16:19
Fisrt of all last ngiht I went to the movies with vikki, Fee, Eddie, and myself. we went tos ee meet the fuckers. good movie. Yes it is. better than meet the parents.
Uhh Then that night I stayed the night at my vicky poos with fee. we had a blast.
then today fee dropped me off at home. Uhh i walk into my room and I see the marilyn Monroe purse that I wanted on my computer desk. I called my dad and I was gunna cry. And then I went into the shower..and half way through rinsing my hair out, Jare bare comes knowcking on the door. i stopped the shower to see who it actully was. and i was nudy in my unnatractive. He can drive, So me him and alshia went for a pimpin cruis. Hes so great. Hes one of my best est friends! oh yess he is.
so umm maybe tonight I might be hanging out with eddie. niceness.