mhhh. heres an update. new classes like everyone else. they are pretty good tho cause i have tons of people in all of them. yay.
bio with my becca is awesome. we can make the best out of an extremely hungry situation. haha.
im rethinking the seating arrangement in spanish 3. i sit between trevor and nick. one will write something on my binder and when i move it over to avoid them - the other one writes on the other side of my binder. what fun.
algebra 2 is extremely effin boring. and my seat sucks. blah.
survey is okay. cept i have another bad seat and too much homework. oh well.
i think the snow needs to stop melting and we need to have a blizzard. thats pretty much it.
oh and ski club friday!! it's become the love of my life. and pretty much the only thing i have to look forward too.
oh and...and...this is for my caramel frapp lol. you know who you are J