Sep 21, 2011 13:07

I…I think I may have figured out how to finally end The Road Not Taken XD; It'll take three more chapters (as I've plotted it out…) but…I think I finally have a stopping point, sheesh XD;

I don't think I ever intended for it to go on this long, but damn is it hard to get those boys together beyond FWB :P It's left me thinking that Fujisaki is all the more fucked up for assuming that Chiaki's gay side would awaken or something just because he got raped by his best friend. WHAT A WACKO. >_>

So um, yes. Public service announcement XD It's kind of frightening that it'll wind up being well over 50,000 (a small novel) by the time it's over. I'd rather read my own stuff than Fujisaki's weird idea of Domestica in a heartbeat, SORRY

fanfiction, セカコイ

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