2011 Fic-writing Meme

Dec 31, 2011 15:41

Check it out~

Fics this year (oldest to newest):

Nostalgia (Takano/Onodera):
Good Fences, Good Neighbors - X
Waiting to Exhale - M
Blackout - X
Break in the Clouds - X
What Happens in Hakone - X
Mending Fences - X
But Not Quite as Much as Tomorrow - G
What I Want from You - M
Just Between You, Me, and the Fence Post - T
Unrestrainable - X
Swinging for the Fence - X
Fenced in and Loving It - X
Love is Patient, Love is Kind - T
Scaling the Highest Fence - X
Spring Awakening - X
Total: 15 fics
Word count: 152,915

Trifecta (Kirishima/Yokozawa):
The Third Rail - T
From the GRound Up - X
Total: 2 fics
Word count: 12,274

The Road Not Taken - X
Total: 1 fic
Word count: 66,663

Romantica (Usagi/Misaki):
And Out of Sorrow, Joy - G
Total: 1 fic
Word count: 1,369

Other (multiple pairings, no pairing, etc.):
Fair's Fair - T
Total: 1 fic
Word count: 1,797


Total word count:

Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
It's been a long while since I wrote for any fandom, but I managed to write over 200,000 words in the last half of the year, so...much much more XD

Where did you publish/archive your stories?
Started off on sekai_hatsukoi but moved to AO3 exclusively!

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2010?
A non-canon couple, I suppose! I usually can't get attached to couples that aren't canon or aren't at least heavily hinted in canon (for non-BL series), and this was probably my first time doing just that, with Yuu and Chiaki.

What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
I think I have been happiest writing Trifecta, because they're so honest and have so much more of a story to tell, I feel, than any other couples.

Okay, NOW your most popular story.
Definitely Good Fences, Good Neighbors and all of the associated sequels. It was my break into the SH fandom, and was a lot of fun, as I love writing semi-AUs :)

Story most under appreciated by the universe?
Hmm, it's hard to pinpoint one without coming off as whining. I suppose maybe And Out of Sorrow, Joy? I really love Romantica, but despite being the main pairing, I don't feel like there's a lot of good fic, so I hoped to contribute to it, but I don't think there's a large audience for it (I think it has the least number of hits of any of my stories).

Story that could have been better?
While I enjoyed writing Spring Awakening and was satisfied with it in the end, I feel like it should've been longer and had more build-up--but that also might have meant satisfying quality as, to be honest, Trifecta started being more fun to me to write since it came out in the middle of it XD

Sexiest story?
Ooh tricky. Even though there wasn't even any penetrative sex, I think Blackout was pretty hot...literally XD Two people in a stuffy apartment all alone in almost total darkness who are admittedly strongly attracted to one another? No way it doesn't lead to some sexy times :3

Most fun story?
Possibly The Third Rail? My first foray into Trifecta, and I was so excited XD

Story with single sweetest moment?
I particularly like this one from The Road Not Taken:

"That's--the whole problem. I want to, I mean--I...I really want to." And here, Yuu had to hold onto the doorjamb to keep himself straight, breath catching in his throat as he watched Chiaki unfold before him.

"I want to be even closer to you than I am. I want...you to hold me like you did last night, like you always look like you want to hold me but you can't for one reason or another. I want you to--do crazy romantic things like kiss me and tell me you love me at inappropriate times, and make my heart race and all of that." He coughed softly, catching himself. "...I want it so bad I can say embarrassing things like this even though I feel like as soon as I stop talking I'm going to faint here."

The story that made you cry?
Various installments of From the Ground Up. Love those two and their little family so much.

Hardest story to write?
The Road Not Taken; when I started, I'd already long grown disgusted with Domestica and frustrated with Chiaki as a character, so I thought I was crazy for attempting to write a fic I was probably going to hate after the first chapter and that readers probably wouldn't like either. I wound up being wrong, and while I know it's stupid to like my own stuff this much, I keep going back to reread it :) But it was hard, and I still don't know that I necessarily succeeded.

Easiest story to write?
Anything and everything Trifecta. They just flow so easily, their dialogue is something I can pick out of thin air. I feel like I could write for them forever *______*

Most overdue story?
Not quite sure if there is one, but I need to write Erotica at some point :P

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
Wrote for a couple I didn't really care about in Yuu/Chiaki...and wound up falling even more in love with them for it!

Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year?
Write some Erotica, and find another new long-fic to write!

Leitmotif of the year:
I don't know that I necessarily had one, sorry!

Story with the single sexiest moment:
Hmm, possibly the shower sex scene in Scaling the Highest Fence! I was quite proud of myself for it XD

Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:
I don't think I wrote anything like that--nothing wrong wrong XD

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
Reiterating a previous response, but Yuu and Chiaki in The Road Not Taken; or rather, it made me like them in my fanon, even if I still don't like Chiaki in canon and feel just sad for Yuu now. Writing them and getting into their heads, even if those headspaces were made up by me, helped me feel closer to them.

Biggest surprise:
Me writing kidfic XD Wow.

Story I haven't yet written, but intend to:
Something long and epic for Erotica, the final frontier XD I'd also attempt a semi-AU for Trifecta as well, but I love their canon get-together so much I can't bring myself to do it ;~;

Word count totals!

Non-collaborative fic word count total: 235,018
Collaborative fic word count total: No collaborations XD;

The end!

fanfiction, セカコイ

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