Just some detail whoring

Nov 21, 2011 13:11

So of course I'm trying to figure out timelines for Kirishima/Yokozawa, because I'm awesome that way, but it's really hard! This is a follow-up to this post. Walk with me here:

February 18 - 167 days until Ritsu falls in love (as described in Chapter 10). This is the day after Ritsu confesses to Takano in the rain (but is drowned out) and the day that he admits to Yokozawa that he loves Takano. This is ALSO the same day that Yokozawa wakes up in the hotel with Kirishima (after getting drunk the night before following being rejected).

However: If Dec 24 is a Saturday, and December 25 a Sunday (as specified in canon), the following February 18 must be Saturday. And yet, in Yokozawa no Baai, Yokozawa rants (the same day he met Ritsu):

“‘This week’? Do they realize it’s Friday now? Don’t tell me they’re planning on bringing it in Sunday night or something, right?”

UH OH NAKAMURA. WE HAVE ISSUES. These issues continue to plague subsequent interactions as well:

February 25 - 160 days until Ritsu falls in love (according to my timeline from before), this is also the day that Yokozawa realizes he made a huge error and faxed sensitive information about the "Za Kan" movie to a bookstore and it got leaked. He then gets invited to Kirishima's home to meet Hiyori that evening. Only problem? February 25 is also a Saturday, not a Friday. It's confirmed to be a Friday in Yokozawa canon as well:

“Have a beer. You’ve got the day off tomorrow, after all. If you drink too much, you can just spend the night.”

Sooooo I'm torn D: I realize it's no big deal, but I LIKE MY TIMELINES PERFECT DAMMIT :P You can't even chalk this up to leap year conflicts as it's still before February 29 >_>

But we can still kind of keep going with this:

March 2/3 - Roughly one week later (this is where it gets tricky, since there's no mention of a time frame, but it doesn't seem terribly long, and it's on a Friday, which the next Friday following February 24 is March 2 [which would be March 3 in canon, a week after February 25]) on a Friday, Yokozawa goes to Kirishima's place alone to watch Hiyori and cook dinner, leading to the apron fiasco.

March 5/6 - (multiple dates for the reasons mentioned above) The Monday following his Friday evening at Kirishima's place, Yokozawa deals with the fall-out of the apron picture and subsequently avoids Kirishima.

March 11/12 - On a Sunday evening after avoiding Kirishima for a while, Yokozawa returns home to find Sorata ill and takes him to the doctor, where Kirishima and Hiyo urge him to come stay with them.

HOWEVER (again XD): Hiyo volunteers to take care of Sorata herself because she's on Spring Break. Spring break in Japan for elementary school students generally falls from late March (around the 24/25) to early April (around the 7/8), and this is likely too early. That leaves me thinking that Yokozawa took to coming over to the Kirishimas' place for quite longer than a week, perhaps more like 3 weeks, before he felt he was getting too close to them and cut ties. So we can say that from February 24/25 through March 16/17, he was probably making the rounds to Kirishima's place :3 This leaves him uncomfortable with their close relationship and avoiding Kirishima for a weekish (he couldn't possibly stay away from Hiyo for too long without making her feel bad) before the incident with Sorata on March 25 forces him to call up Kirishima and repair their relationship.

Going with THAT timeline...

March 30 - BUT HERE'S WHERE IT GETS MESSED UP AGAIN. Because March 30 is patently in the MIDDLE of Spring Break in Japan, and yet...this is the morning where Yokozawa is getting Hiyo dressed for school! ARGH. Even WITHOUT dates, Hiyo professes to be on Spring Break on a Sunday, and then a weekish later on what is confirmed to be a Friday, she is...suddenly not. slidufhslidfs I hate you, Nakamura. DO NOT TEMPT ME WITH DATES AND TIMELINES AND THEN NOT FOLLOW THEM.

STILL, because I absolutely need to know: this then means that Yokozawa and Takano reconnect on March 30 (3 days after Ritsu's birthday), Yokozawa and Kirishima fight, and then they make up and have sex on...April 1 XD; APRIL FOOL'S!

Someone pat my head and tell me to stop worrying about these details ;___;


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