I once met a rich, well respected and successful lawyer. As most lawyers do, this one enjoyed whiskey. As one of his assistants, he would bring us to taste expensive whiskeys as we let the day unwind at a bar after work
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Warning: ((there are a lot of typos in this post because I am (a) a horrible typist and, (b) letting my nail polish dry as I type this - it affects my typing)) I will also not be spellchecking after I finish bc I am sure only about 0 people will read it lol. ( trash writing dump )
Damage does not end with its corresponding abuse; the unfair thing being that the victims' memory will continue to torment him with the remembered abuse, over and over again
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I believe love cannot exist without a large dosage of pain, just as I believe happiness cannot exist without sadness. I think happiness is only a thin line from sadness - something which makes us particularly happy now is grounded on that it distinguishes itself from something sad which happened and we specifically want to feel the opposite of -
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