Jan 13, 2017 17:34
It had to be the most curious thing, the smiling cat. On all fours, like an animal, but grinning and grinning like it was enjoying a private joke at your expense.
It occurred to Alice that the human-like cat must be able to communicate since it understood jokes, so notwithstanding the fact that it was silly to converse with a cat, Alice asked, "What do you know, cat, that I don't?"
It still surprised Alice when the Cat replied, "I know only this: That I know nothing. Nothing is certain."
"Then why do you smile so? Can you be happy knowing nothing?" Challenged Alice, for she was sure the creature was hiding a secret.
"Nobody ever said having wisdom made one happy," retorted the wise Cat.
"But you're smiling."
"And you frown, lady."
Said the girl impatiently, "Well, if only I knew what you were hiding I would smile too. Knowing things makes me happy. So tell me Cat, why do you grin so wide?"
"What I know or do not know may or may not be true and what is fact or not is as transient as who smiles and who does not," mused the kitty cat.
"What?" Asked the confused and offended Alice, "That's as good as not having said anything at all!"
"Sorry lady, I only argue with people I respect." And with that, the Cat faded away, leaving only the hint of a mocking grin.
fiction - alice,