Die! Scenester scum!

Jul 06, 2006 18:12

Scenesters are the devil. Karol is a scenester. He is the epitome of pompous asshole. I despise all of you and your double-geared messenger bikes, and your downtown living, and your dollar-a-day lifestyle. Anyone who can consistantly make me feel THAT shitty about myself is NOT worth my time. ARGH.

They slink around the city with their thrift store tshirts and their Levis' and their noses permenantly fixed in the heavens. My music is obsolete to their superior ear drums, whilst I still have yet to witness them actually enjoying music. They ride their "double geared" bikes that dont have breaks, and I listen to their inter-clan tuttering on about most rescent mishaps involving reckless cabbies. If there is some sercret code to desipher, it obviously takes too long to figure out. Anyone who actually takes the time in lose-land long enough to uncover the key to this pseudo-yuppy-punk-knockoff lifestyle needs to seriously re-prioritize.

Die! Scenester scum!
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