Prime Contact 4/4; The Doctor, Spock, Barbara, Pike, Number One, Susan, Ian, Colt, Tyler; G

Nov 26, 2009 09:37

Title: Prime Contact 4/4
Author: scarfman
Characters/Pairing: The Doctor, Spock, Barbara, Pike, Number One, Susan, Ian, Colt, Tyler
Rating: G
Setting (spoilers through): both franchises c. 1964
Disclaimer: This work is derivative of property of Paramount Pictures and the BBC. No profit shall be made and no market of the owner(s) is infringed upon.
Summary: The TARDIS's first landing on the starship Enterprise, just in time for a portentous first contact.
crossposted scarfman dwfiction crossing_who trekfics
Captain's log, supplemental: The first contact mission to the Klingon world has taken a bad turn. According to Spock and Scott, the warpship they claim to have built, they can't have built - it must have been seized from aliens who landed here previously. And - perhaps in anticipation of this discovery on our part - General Kartasp has taken hostages: three of my crewmen and the Doctor's three companions.
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