Title: Posterity 2/3
scarfman Characters/Pairing: Buffy, the Doctor, Giles
Rating: PG
Setting (spoilers through): both franchises c.1998, just after Innocence
Disclaimer: This work is derivative of property of the BBC and Mutant Enemy. No profit shall be made and no market of the owner(s) is infringed upon.
Summary: Buffy has a mysterious visitor just as the Doctor arrives in Sunnydale chasing the oldest vampire ever.
Having been composed in 1998, this story predates and ignores anything from more recently produced screen Doctor Who which might suggest that Time Lords have family lives approaching what might be considered normal by the target viewing audience, a subject left unaddressed and ambiguous by screen Doctor Who previous to said composition. Also predated and ignored is screen Buffy the Vampire Slayer addressing the issue of how old the oldest vampires are and what happens to them when they get that old.
scarfman dwfiction buffy_fanfic crossing_who Spike looked up and Angelus was poking his head in the door.
"Well," said Spike, "the prodigal returns. Again. Sorry, we've used up the fatted calves by now. Not to mention the fatted thighs -"