Title: Child's Play
trillianastraFandom: Doctor Who/The Ballad of Halo Jones
Rating: PG-13 at the moment
Spoilers: For "Silence in the Library"/"Forests of the Dead". Vague spoilers for "The Ballad of Halo Jones".
Warnings: None yet.
Characters/Pairings: Tenth Doctor, Halo Jones, OCs, brief mention of River Song.
Disclaimer: Doctor Who and its characters are the BBC's. Halo Jones belongs to Alan Moore. The kids are mine, though.
Summary: Years into his future, the Tenth Doctor has to say goodbye to someone he loves. Alone once again, he answers a distress call from a planet where all the adults have disappeared and where there are traces of something terrible happening. Meanwhile, Halo Jones is continuing to explore as much as possible, and finds herself on the same ravaged planet.
Chapter One At My Journal