Title: Angst Fest
Author: loveronhermione
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Angel, Tenth Doctor
Pairings: Ten/Angel, mentions of Doctor/Rose and Angel/Buffy
Summary: The Doctor visits Sunnydale and, to his surprise, finds a familiar face.
Warnings: Slash, Complete and Utter Crack
Spoilers: Takes place after Series Four of Doctor Who and in between Seasons One and Two of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But, just to be safe, we'll say spoilers through Season Two of Buffy.
Word Count: 1,828
Disclaimer: Hahahahaha. I wouldn't do this to them if it were really mine. I just like playing with other people's things.
Angel stopped in his tracks when he noticed what looked like a blue telephone booth standing next to one of the gravestones.