TITLE: Vinculum
FANDOM: Highlander/Doctor Who
PAIRING: Methos/Ten, with heavy background Duncan/Methos
LENGTH: 10,385 words
SUMMARY: You didn't really think that Methos disappeared for that long after "Archangel" because he honestly didn't give a damn, did you?
DISCLAIMER: Neither Ten nor Methos belong to me, more's the pity. I have however, been blessed by their creation, so I suppose I can't complain too much.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This fic derived entirely from my eternal frustration of not finding any Methos/Ten on the intarwebs. Honestly fandom, what's wrong with you? It turned out more angsty than smutty in the end, but that's alright - I fully admit that Methos/Ten is not a pairing that would be all about the fluffy bunnies.
Huge thanks for betaing and helpful comments go to
petulans (only he would leave beta comments incorporating mathematical equations!) and
slashkilter. ♥
This way to my LJ! )