Title: You Have a Lot to Learn About Mechanical Ducks
Series: Chasing Space-Squirrels:
part one,
part two Fandom: Glee/Doctor Who
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine, Sam, the Doctor (11), Amy, Rory
Rating/Warnings: PG; a little angsty?
Wordcount: 4,000~
Spoilers: Season 2 of Glee; early season 6 of Doctor Who, particularly River-stuff.
Notes: The word ‘G-d’ is written as such. It’s a Jewish thing. This is a part of the Chasing Space-Squirrels ‘verse, where Sam Evans is the Doctor’s companion. I’m writing these out of order, because linear timelines are boring and I get distracted easily.
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or Doctor Who, A Whole New World or Drops of Jupiter by Train.
Summary: Kurt just wanted to tell his boyfriend about the whole sometimes-Sam-takes-me-away-with-his-friends-and-we-travel-through-space-and-time thing. He didn’t expect it to be quite so complicated.
Kurt wanted to shout from the rooftops that he had met Oscar Wilde and Einstein and the queen of a future planet with a name he couldn't pronounce. But he didn't.