Title: Q-niversal Constants
Fandoms: New Who/Torchwood; Star Trek: TNG Era
Words: ~6500
Pairing: JACK HARKNESS/Q OF THE CONTINUUM. Because the internets failed me, so I wrote it myself. Background Picard/Q and Doctor/Jack.
Rating: R. (spoiler) the R-rated bit is Jack/noncorporeal entity, from Q's POV, so YMMV. OH MY BRAIN.
Warnings: See rating spoiler above. Also, offscreen character death (not Jack or Q), and one on-screen, non-graphic Jack death.
Beta: Thanks to for reading it through and saying it was good!
Summary: Q discovers Jack. The results, as you might expect, span the universe.
Q-niversal Constants at AO3Q-niversal Constants on Dreamwidth