Too Many Cooks? 3/3; the Doctor, Liz, the Brigadier, Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Gary Seven, Roberta Lincoln

Sep 01, 2010 17:57

Title: Too Many Cooks? 3/3
Author: scarfman
Characters/Pairing: the Doctor, Liz, the Brigadier, Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Gary Seven, Roberta Lincoln, Questor, Jerry Robinson
Rating: PG
Setting (spoilers through): all four franchises 1970-1973
Disclaimer: This work is derivative of property of Paramount and the BBC. No profit shall be made and no market of the owner(s) is infringed upon.
Summary: When Captain Kirk receives a crosstime distress signal from 1970s Earth, it's not from the exiled Doctor; but he's there.
This comic-strip format story is approximately ten years old. Incompatibily with later screen continuity may apply, and the graphics date from the period when I was still learning how to draw for, and how to work with, a scanner. In fact, this story was one of three in development in early 1999 when I decided to convert my fanfiction crossover writing from prose to comic strip serials. The three were, in order of conception and eventual unveiling to my contemporary audience, Reach Out and Kill Someone, this story, and Sela. Of the three, this one benefitted most from the conversion from prose, because the novelty at the time of the serial comic strip form clouded the story's utter lack of plot.
I was informed at that time that this, my first four-way crossover, is largely unintelligible to those unfamiliar with the other two properties, the two unsold Gene Roddenberry pilots Assignment: Earth and The Questor Tapes. I present this warning (and included a full character list above) against my instincts as an author, for it sorta gives away what plot there is.
crossposted scarfman dwfiction crossing_who trekfics
"McCoy! How is Miss Lincoln?"

doctor who, author: scarfman, star trek tos

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