[Daniel] (Insert Clever Title Here)

Jun 18, 2007 22:09

Who: Daniel-in-the-Doctor, Faith-in-Chloe
Where: The hallway outside the cafeteria
When: Early afternoon (concurrent with "Research, research, research")
Invited: Anyone ( Read more... )

faith, daniel

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[Mayday] weirdweb June 20 2007, 00:38:16 UTC
((OOC: Phbbt. Here I was sitting and waiting on LAN support to fix my DB2 problem with nothing to do, and the second I left to go home and attack the yardwork you all started posting! XD ...yeah, I'm teasing. Anyway.))

"How'd you -" May began, and then remembered Scott noticing her accent back when they couldn't remember anything. It must still be apparent now.

Then something Rose said completely jolted her train of thought off the tracks, straight up in the air, spun it around and dropped it into the nearest river. "Waitwaitwait. Pregnant again?" She caught the look on the Doctor's face - no, it was Daniel - and changed the subject. "Never mind." Didn't mean she couldn't ask later, when she was hopefully back in her own body.

Again, it was really, really hard to keep from laughing at Daniel's Freudian slip, but she managed this time. "Some guy named Hiro Nakamura. Tara mentioned him last night; he wandered in during the amnesia mess. I think he only speaks Japanese."

"So he's wandering around in your body, then?" Rose asked. "I haven't seen him - uh, in you - at all."

"He's still in the laundry room. Well, he was five minutes ago," May amended. "And I just realized, I don't speak Japanese. Does anyone here speak it? 'Cause I think this explanation's going to be weird enough without a language barrier."


[Daniel] fikgirl June 20 2007, 03:23:32 UTC
"Wow, May," Faith drawled, studying the younger woman, "So what's it like having a -"

"Faith." She recognized the warning tone to Daniel's voice, even if it wasn't Daniel's voice. Fun and games were over, he was back in charge and it was truly a real shame.

"I was just going to ask what it was like having a vision problem."

"I'm sure that you were," Daniel said. To May, he added, "I speak Japanese. Let's go and explain this *place* to our wayward friend."

"Sounds like a plan," Faith agreed, slipping up beside Daniel. She shook off Rose's glare of warning with a roll of her eyes and toss of her head. "Yo, Rose, we're cool all right? Hands off the merchandise, no touchy feely. I promise. I just want to meet the new guy."


[McKay-in-Radek] lost_mckay June 20 2007, 15:11:34 UTC

A very irritated McKay-in-Zelenka's body exited the Geek Lab, the door closing behind him. He stalked down the corridor, briefly considering some coffee. It'd be nice at the moment, but he didn't have the time.


Time--oh! Timelord!

Actually taking a look down the stretch of hallway between him and the control room, Rodney saw The Doctor. Well, not -The- Doctor.. but the Doctor and-and-and..

"Dr. Jackson..." His pace quickened a moment, though slowed once more when he saw ... Chloe? Rose... is she the same too, or has she..

"Um..." He knew for sure that Daniel and the Doctor had swapped out. "Dr. Jackson. We'll need you in the lab. We're planning on heading to the TARDIS, first ringing out to the beach, then taking the walk in. The ship may have everything we need, only it'll take some time for us to... work everything out." Science v. Magic, and in the scientist's head, if it couldn't be done by the application of science, no matter how advanced, it was impossible.

He nodded to Rose, and actually shuffled a little before nodding to the reporter. "I'm on my way to the control room to pull some files that we may need."


[Daniel] fikgirl June 20 2007, 16:31:37 UTC
It took Daniel a heartbeat to remember that McKay had swapped bodies with Dr. Zelenka, who hadn't even been on the island until after they lost their memories.

"How soon?" Daniel asked. He had no problems going to the Doctor's ship, was actually dying to see it, but he'd want to make sure that everything was under control before leaving. Well, at least as under control as everything could be under the circumstances.

"We have another drop-in stray," Daniel continued. Despite his attempt at neutrality, he was certain that his feelings on the island continuing to drop random people in weren't positive.

Daniel indicated May-in-Hiro's body with a nod of his head. "He's Japanese and appearently speaks little to no English. I need to talk to him, at least find out his name and where he came from."

Or when he came from, Daniel added silently.

"He's currently occupying the body of May Parker." Daniel didn't expect Rodney to know who May Parker was, or even care aside from the factual aspects of it being another body switch.

"Who is this?" Faith-in-Chloe moved closer to McKay, drinking him in with that overly interested way of hers. She gave him a smile, and pushed his glasses up on his nose. "'Cause, you're kinda cute in a sort of geeky way."

Daniel rolled his eyes. Grabbing Faith's arm, he pulled her away from McKay before the man combusted. "Faith, that's Rodney. And Rodney, this is Faith, not Chloe with a personality transplant."

Faith smiled at Rodney and tossed him a wink, "I'm blonde now. Wanna give it a shot?"


[Hiro-in-May] yattaaaaaa June 20 2007, 16:50:19 UTC
The choices were clear - he could stay here and mope and stare at the floor, or he could actually get up and try to figure out what was going on.

Both ideas were attractive, but he finally stood and popped open the door to the laundry room, sliding the backpack full of things over his shoulder. Sticking his head out the door, hand going to push up his glasses before he remembered he wasn't wearing glasses anymore.

He made a noise somewhat half-growl, half-whimper, and slid out the door, padding down the hall on alert. Looking for anyone who looked like he was supposed to.


OOC quickie redirect weirdweb June 20 2007, 18:10:16 UTC
Responded to both posts right here.


[McKay] lost_mckay June 20 2007, 17:21:54 UTC
How soon?

"Well, as soon as I pull the files. It's a five day walk." Rodney's voice dropped. Taking what he'd considered key people away for five days, who knew what would happen around here. The Doctor, him, Daniel-- only people left who could keep the peanut-gallery in check would be Blaise and Ripley. When they were themselves.

Not so much.

At the news of the new 'drop in stray', his brows rose and he glanced around to see Hiro. A quick evaluation, and there was little interest. "Hi." Done. But, it took a beat before it sunk in that it was May 'in there'. "Oh.. um.. Yes, I know her... Helped me when the wraith attacked." He remembered! Webs and all... "Hi." This time, it sounded a little less strained, though still, idle chit-chat wasn't on the agenda. And, it was more than a little awkward talking to someone inside, rather than.. the person. "Thanks, by the way, for that."

The feline movement of Chloe took the scientist way off-guard, and he actually jumped. It- Oh! Faith...

As Daniel pulled her away, Rodney-in-Radek took a step back, and readjusted his glasses for the millionth time. "How does he--" Feral animal, she... though other times, other circumstances, he may have-- No.

"I've got work to do," While it came out in the Czech's voice, the rapid stammering was unmistakable. "When you..." Here, he moved fingers around, "switch... then..." He's got a coffee 'date' with Chloe... not Faith. Assuming, of course, that all was still on now that they got their memories back. When the 'date' had been made, she didn't 'know' him. Now? "Um... Sorry."

"Dr. Jackson." Yes. Divert. Re-focus. "Uh... a half hour. Think you can make it?" Assuming he can escape within the next couple of minutes. "We'll need The Doctor's... body so connections can be made to the TARDIS. Not much The Doctor can do in yours." In other words, they -have- to have Daniel if their plan is going to work, or rather, has any chance at working.


[May-in-Hiro] weirdweb June 20 2007, 18:09:04 UTC
((OOC: Going to assume that Rodney's post happens a second before Hiro's. Laundry room's right next door to the small cafeteria, so it'd be hard for May to miss the exit.))

May could totally understand the awkwardness. "Hi. Uh, no problem."

When Faith started putting the moves on Rodney, she covered her mouth to stifle more laughter. Dean had a point, the whole thing was hysterically funny. Didn't mean she wasn't going to get revenge on him later.

The Rodney and Faith Show was blocking her view of the laundry room, so she didn't immediately notice the door opening. When Rodney stepped back, though, she caught a glimpse of the figure tentatively approaching the crowd. Even though she was braced for it, it was still bizarre to see herself from outside.

"Wow, do I ever need a haircut," she muttered without thinking, prompting odd looks from Faith and Rose (Rodney was too busy plotting out the trek to the TARDIS to notice). She indicated the teenage girl who had stopped dead and was just staring at her. "I think we found him."


Re: [Hiro-in-May] yattaaaaaa June 20 2007, 18:21:53 UTC
Hiro skidded to a stop and stared. He looked...taller from the outside. That wasn't a bad thing, right? But this...was decidedly odd.

"Um." He looked from one member of the small crowd to the next, shuffling his feet, one hand clinging to the backpack strap like it was a lifevest. "That, uh," He was stammering, hoping one of them spoke Japanese, as this was going to be hard enough as it was. "That is my body, why am I not in it and how do I get it back?"

And then he waited, hopefully. Hoping he wouldn't have to try and figure out how to say that in English.


[Rose] purplerhino June 20 2007, 19:02:47 UTC
"We're working on that." She replied to Hiro in perfect Japanese. She was even vaguely aware she was speaking Japanese, although to her Hiro sounded like he was using perfect English, with a London accent even.

"It isn't only you, I'm afraid. Lots of people are not in the bodies they're supposed to be in." Rose elaborated a bit. "You're inside Mayday Parker. May's inside you."

She nodded to Daniel, and she was oddly getting used to remembering he WAS Daniel, if only because of body language. "Daniel would like to ask you some questions, okay?"

Poor bloke was most likely scared and confused. At least most people here had someone to talk to, a friend at least. He apparently had no one. And a woman talking to him would most likely be less an additional strain than having Danny lob a bunch of questions at him right off. Even if he was exceedingly polite and patient about it.


[Isabel] nohatmatt June 20 2007, 21:49:39 UTC
The emotional surge had been unmistakable, especially as Isabel was starting to realise that since the return of their memories her empathic sense was increasing. The apparent integration of Vilandra's memories with her own had increased her power, but new abilities were something she wasn't quite ready to consider. She was going to have to find somewhere quiet to experiment, but in the mean time she wanted to know what had caused that surge of disbelief and joy, followed so quickly by crushing disappointment from so many people.

The group gathered outside the cafeteria was impossible to miss, and she found herself face-to-face with a small Japanese man she'd never seen before.

"Oh," she said. "Hello."

She looked at the Doctor's body with Daniel in it.

"Something happened just now. I felt emotions - happiness, then disappointment. Big disappointment. Anything I should know about?"


[McKay] lost_mckay June 21 2007, 01:02:12 UTC
Right. Rodney'd passed on the information, and undoubtedly Daniel was aware of the import of his request. If they get this done, the rest of the survivors who'd been swapped would benefit. It'd take a few days, sure, but eventually? The best part, no magic. Just controlled laboratory conditions, thankyouverymuch.

As more began to congregate out into the halls, that, to Rodney-in-Radek was the cue to continue on his way to the records room, and pull that information that he'd said he'd have within 30 minutes. The first steps were taken away as Isabel left her own little room.

'Happiness, then disappointment...'. Sounds like me when I found out that Faith was Chloe... Inside voice, Rodney.. inside..

"Right. I'll just..." He pushed up the glasses that always seemed to be sliding. "...get back to work--"


OOC: One comment to join them all fikgirl June 21 2007, 22:46:10 UTC
OOC: One comment to find them fikgirl June 21 2007, 22:45:06 UTC
OOC: One comment to rule them all fikgirl June 21 2007, 22:44:17 UTC

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