In the jungle, the mighty jungle

May 25, 2007 22:56

Who: Molly and Sam (open)
Where: Jungle
When: Day 29, (morning)
Invited: Open
Status: Open

Molly didn’t protest Sam scooping her up and running.  She twined her arms around her… no his  neck.  It was all she could do not to ask him to go faster.

He ran up the stairs and out into the fresh air.  She could feel the breeze, the morning mist, smell the vegetation.  She couldn’t feel or sense the plants, but being outside helped make her feel alive.

“Left, go left and into the forest.” She managed to direct him.

Apparently he had no immediate planned destination as he turned as she directed.  Molly had to marvel at Ripley’s strength and endurance.  It couldn’t be easy running with a hundred pounds of dead weight in one’s arms.  Sam was aware of the difference; she could feel it, hear it.  But the other thoughts and feelings grew a bit more distant.

“More to the right.” And so she directed him a good mile and a half from the camp to a clearing in the jungle.

It most likely smelled of Dean and Jon, her and River.  This was where she and River had danced up magic in the moonlight until they were ready to collapse.  She recalled River looking as carefree and joyous as she had been.  She had to have been far enough from that awful press to seem so open.

“Here.  We can rest here.” She jumped down as Sam came to a stop, breathing heavily, but not gasping for breath.  Whoa, she hadn't realized that River was taller.  The ground looked oddly far away.  The hair falling over her shoulder felt cool and silken.  It dangled into view.  That had to be easier to care for.

“It’s better here.  Like bees buzzing, but not overwhelming.  Are you okay?”  She glories in being able to think her own thoughts for now.

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