Who: McKay, Zelenka
Where: Geek Lab
When: Day 28, Night
Invited: Open
Status: Complete
OOC Note: Placement setting.
Another late night in the lab. At least, that was what he figured, as it seemed to be his stomping ground. McKay felt comfortable there, and from everything he could see within the confines of the room, everything had his stamp on it, or what looked familiar to him, even if the items themselves were just outside his reach. Of course, the environs were bittersweet. He knew he belonged, knew that he knew about everything surrounding him, but it remained, for the most part, elusive.
Sure, a lot of things came naturally to him. Laptops, working the few instruments, and the knowledge that a lot of his 'comfort' of items that were around didn't necessarily come from anything 'terrestrial'. Things just weren't surprising him as much as he thought they should, and that bothered him. What sort of life did he lead? The dog tags didn't help much. He worked for the US Air Force, and his red coloured passport said that he was a Canadian citizen, though the passport issued was American. Since when did any military hire non-citizens?
McKay sat on a stool, staring at the bit of Wraith dart, the power supply for the materialization/demat device, poking at the biotech. He was smart enough not to touch an end that had zapped him earlier, more muscle memory than conscious, but it was enough for him. He still hadn't made it back in the laptop, and it sat dark beside him. It had a great deal more security than the other systems, for some reason. Reaching for it, he turned it on once more, grabbed at a cold cup of coffee (completely forgetting for the moment about a potential date with Chloe!), and settled in for the evening.