Sep 08, 2010 20:17

This started out as a number of FACTS about Rain. And then it mutated. HAVE THE RELEVANT BITS OUTSIDE THE CUT.



* Rain loves people.
* Humans are inherently good. But they are not ALWAYS good.
* Even if they are not always good, they deserve to be trusted.
* Rain trusts humans while understanding betrayal might happen.
* Rain doesn't EXPECT support or assistance from humans. It is very rare of him to ask for help and if he does ask, and the person he asked says no, he won't hold it against them.
* Rain understands people will not consider him human, he is used to this and accepts it as part of his life.
* As a consequence of the previous point, he also accepts as part of his life to get stabbed, shot and otherwise maimed regularly.
* Rain is unbreakable.

Now if Rain doesn't KNOW you, you fall into the HUMAN category. He loves and trusts you by default. By trust I don't mean "HERE HAVE MY BACKSTORY" (although he mostly has no problem giving it if he's asked for it) but I mean, if you, HUMAN asks Rain to walk with him into a dark alley, Rain will. And if you then pull a gun on him and shoot him, he will be okay with it.

It's not that he's expecting to be hurt, because when I say he trusts people it's not "I TRUST YOU BUT I'M EXPECTING YOU TO SHOOT ME IN THE BACK THE SECOND I TURN AROUND" because it isn't like that, he's not paranoid and when he follows you into the dark alley, he does it because he HONESTLY trusts you. But he is never, ever surprised when bad things happen.

It's like going into a casino with ten dollars, you expect to leave with more than ten dollars, but you're not surprised or disappointed if you end up losing them. Such is life.

IF RAIN DOES KNOW YOU. You're either an acquaintance or a friend-- if he's spoken to you more than twice, you are most likely a friend (or Sebastian. Sebastian gets his own category on the grounds of not being human)

Going back to Rain not expecting things from people, when he gets something, it is PRECIOUS and VALUABLE and FOREVER APPRECIATED. It takes very, very little for Rain to be owned. I mean, he already loves you, so getting his friendship is the easiest thing ever. In canon, he befriends an assassin; the guy drags Rain off to bury him because he thinks he's dead, then gets him a meal, then gives him a good luck charm! AND THEN CHASES HIM AROUND TRYING TO KILL HIM. Rain is cool with this! He whines some, but he INSISTS the assassin is his friend and refuses to fight him. THIS TAKES LIKE TWO DAYS.

In camp he has the advantage that he can actually form long-term friendships. Rain doesn't usually stay in a single place for very long because he's famous and actively being hunted down. In camp this is not so! It's a little odd for him, but he enjoys it.

Which brings me to one last point.

* Rain NEEDS people.

Rain is not built to be by himself. He got used to it and he knows how to deal with it, but he is not someone who can really be okay without company.

Before becoming Methuselah he was almost always surrounded by people, he never had his own bed, he was used to cooking for twenty, he probably had to hide in a closet to be able to look at a Playboy mag.

Then after becoming Methuselah he started traveling by himself and he met people along the way, but it was on the short-term. I don't think it took him long to realize that he couldn't live with people because he didn't age and it was just terrible.


And I totally forgot where I was going with this because Jade made me do pictures. THE POINT IS. Rain loves human contact, he finds people comforting, he really enjoys having friends and people calling him by name. His only real source of stress in camp is Yuca and I love it.

OKAY I AM OUT OF INSPIRATION FOR TERRIBLE MS-PAINT ART. Questions are welcome. Requests for terrible things are also welcome.
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