Outraged? I'm barely surprised.
This is a country where black people are regularly killed without provocation or recourse by white police officers, and where "driving while black" is a serious demonstrable problem. This is a country where an entire city can have its water supply poisoned by rotting infrastructure and have the problem go virtually unreported in the press and completely unsolved for years because the majority of the people living there are black. This is a country whose entire agricultural industry is heavily subsidized by the presence of illegal migrant workers who make nowhere near a living wage, and the one time a state forbade the use of those workers the crops literally rotted on the vines because the farmers couldn't afford to pay the replacement workers (many of whom were white) the wages they demanded. This is a country where over 90% of the wealth and property are in the hands of white people.
But Brutus is an honorable man.
Last November we elected to the highest office in the land a man who has zero experience in public office, who faces multiple accusations of sexual harassment and possibly even rape, and who campaigned on a platform of racism and isolationism without a single detailed plan of what he'll actually do about anything, and he won in big margins in both white men and women because apparently white people believe that they're no longer getting a big enough slice of the pie. Because they feel ~left out~.
Am I outraged? No. That is America, our home sweet home.
(Inspired by