
Oct 23, 2004 23:08

ben, jorge, and i went to see "the grudge" tonight...pretty good for a scary movie (sorry i'm not a big scary movie buff) ben said that he thought it was a lot like "the ring"...both movies had japaneese background.

my family just got home in ohio tonight. they were down here for two weeks on vacation and we had a good time together...its funny how family is different than friends. anyway, it took a couple of days for me to get used to my family again and then everything was just peachy...i felt like i had to remember how to have fun with my family again.

i think God has shown me what he's been teaching me. i can honestly say that i don't really know how to do anything. my talents include....just gimmee a sec.........talents...hmmm.....well now that i think of it i don't really have any...lol. anyway, i have learned a lot about people and about how to interact with those weird creatures. i can't say that i'm good at it, but i can honestly say that that's one thing that i've improved in my life. anyway, maybe i'm just desperately trying to find my place in this world. i kinda feel worthless. God uses worthless people though. its all good.

also, ben and i were discussing "godly, edifying, car videos"...if there is such a thing. we were just throwing it around and didn't come to any conclusions. the reason i brought it up is that i don't see the point in doing something if its not for eternal reasons...but how far do you take that? eating, drinking, etc. is not for eternal reasons...those are both very temporary. what about careers? this is a biggie for me because i've never really devoted myself to any specific field precisely because of this kind of reasoning. i mean what's the point? what's really worth doing down here on this spinning ball.

LOL. that brings to mind something else i was thinking about today....life. but not my life or your life just life as a thing itself. i mean what exactly is this thing we call life? lets try to define it by the world's standards...its waking up every morning, putting one pant leg on at a time, putting one foot in front of another, and doing out own little thing all day...always looking out for number one...always chasing something that we never catch...pursuing it with a passion but never really getting close to it (true happiness)...we all have our own way of trying to catch it but none of our ways work. and all this takes place on one big spinning ball. i wonder what it looks like from above.

Lets check it out...God's definition of life.

I am the way, the truth and the life. no one comes to the father but by me. -Jesus
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. -Jesus

no conclusions...just thoughts...too tired for this.
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