Jul 31, 2004 19:43
Here I am, pressing delete more than any other key as I try to type on an Estonian laptop. I am here in Anaheim, California at the Marriott next to Disneyland and Californian Adventure. My father is downstairs with an old family friend from Tallinn, Estonia who has come here, along with my father and I, to take part in a Weekend Leadership Conference lead by Jim Rohn. That's definitely not the highlight of this trip to Cali though, not something that I am entirely thrilled about, but wow, this trip has already been awesome, and I still have two more days here!
The night before the plain trip over I stayed up with my friends MUDing until about 4:30 and then got an hour and a half sleep and then got my ass in the truck and slept the way to Portland. Since my father is making me independent, I did all of the checking in and plane stuff and we got onto this Southwest airlines plane that was overbooked and people volunteered to go on another flight just so that we could get on. I ended up on the other end of the plane than my father in-between two guys that wouldn't give up the armrest for even a minute. So I read my book and constantly felt the arm hair of these two men on my super sensitive skin. It was more than creepy. Not to mention my book was kind of creepy. Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris. Very interesting, was recommended it by Lucas. The second flight was better from Oakland to Orange County, we took a nap waiting for the flight since we were 45 minutes early and almost missed the flight... everyone was boarded but us and the flight lady was about to close the plane and take off >.< We kind of woke up and wondered why no one was around anymore, my dad asks, "What time does the plane take off?" "2:00" "What time is it now?" "1:58" I said groggily "Say that again?!" I found a seat next to a guy and we talked the whole flight about this and that, turns out he was going to Orange County to see some internet chick he'd never met before. He didn't tell me that at first of course, he told me he had an interest in golf. His name is Mark and he lives somewhere in Washington. He is divorced and has a 14 year old and a 12 year old girl. I got out of my seat to meet up with my father without saying goodbye, when we got off the plane I felt bad about saying goodbye and I subconsciously was looking for him at baggage claim. Oh well, not like he will even remember me. Or maybe he will, and he'll thank me for the batteries I gave him even though he insisted that he'd pay. Funny to think about people, and if they have the same kind of mind that I do, I remind the funniest littlest things. Although I think that no one else remembers them, I can't help but wonder if they do, and maybe they are just as afraid to bring them up again as I am.
We met up with Peep Vain (Said, pApe vAin) outside of the airport and he's just the funniest European I know. Europeans are already so out of place anyways, and he is just out there! My father is a godfather to his son Robert and has been to Estonia a few times. Peep can speak a couple languages and can understand a few more. We had a great time talking in the car in massive 5 lane traffic on the way into LA to go to the Barenaked Ladies and Alanis Morissette concert (My main attraction of the trip) The traffic was so bad that we were 45 mins late to the concert! It was fine though because it the BNL part of the concert which wasn't as important to me as the Alanis part. The Greek theatre was beautiful and outdoor on a wonderful night. I love both artists so much and I was just in heaven the whole night. And OMG! Half way through BNL, so kind of like a quarter concert intermission... Two of the halo dudes from Red vs. Blue came on screen and were like, "Hey! We are here to bring you subliminal messages!" "You want to buy a drink and fries at the concession!" Flashes on the screen.. followed by a few others, including "You want to buy a steak" Which of course they don't sell and the one Halo guy gets all outraged at the nonsubliminal subliminal messages. It was quite funny and I was completely stunned. BNL likes Red vs. Blue!?!?! I'm positive that maybe 1% of the audience new who they were. I was busting up laughing and like stuttering.. Wait till my friends here about this! The best part of BNL was the Shopping song, the whole thing was like this dance swimming routine with shopping carts and all this stuff it was hilarious!!! If I Had a Million Dollars of course was awesome, I think I missed Chimps though which I was sad about, but there wasn't too much time to be sad because Alanis came out looking like hot stuff and even though I liked her long hair better, she looks gorgeous with how it looks now too. What was really interesting was that she changed all of the intros to her songs so that it kept you guessing and in suspense on what she would sing next. I stood up and was rocking out to most of it, singing along and feeling empowered. I love concerts, I love them so much! Loud and engrossing, you just feel alive! I had never been to an Alanis concert before either, she was amazing live. The three of us bought the concert shirts. The tour is called "Au Naturale" and it has Alanis with BNL and they are all naked. I don't think I will be able to wear it to school which I am sad about, but oh well! It's a nice shirt to remember! My dad and Peep got drunk and when we got out to the cars after the concert we had to wait for everyone else to leave before we could get out. There were lots of drunk people peeing behind trees and such, including Peep and my father, who overheard these two girls talking close to them, and when they were done they made conversation over by the cars *rolls eyes* It got to age guessing of course and when we found out that they were 32 and 34. The girls guessed that my 47 year old father was 34 and that 36 year old Peep was 30, and they thought that I was either 23 or 27... missed it by.. that... much.... They were full on drunk though so I didn't take it to heart as much as Peep and my father did. Driving home was frickin hilarious. Luckily my dad grew up here and was save driving home. We were blasting the sound track to Shrek for some reason; I think Peep had just bought it earlier. We were on the 405 and Peep had half of his body out of the car laughing and signing peace, hang loose, and devil horns to the passing cars. I was just hanging in the back laughing my ass of at them and enjoying every second of the night. I just felt really free. It’s the kind of stuff that I love! I love Cali, I love just being in Cali. It’s always great to see my dad having fun. He needs it, he's alive once again and it’s refreshing for me too.
This hotel is so so so nice! We checked in Thursday night and started to explore. Gym, pool, Starbucks, Pizza Hut, Krispy Kreme in the morning, Cafe, restaurant, bar, gift shop, ballroom..... geez! I have my own little bed and we are right around the corner from Disneyland and California Adventure! This is the location of the Leadership Conference and starting Friday Morning at 8 we went to this thing. I'm not entirely sure what to say about the whole thing. It’s not geared towards teenagers, except for an hour long part of it that kind of sucked and was more belittling and anything else. I felt like sleeping more than anything on Friday, so for a lot of it I went up to the room and slept the night away. I didn't have a pen to begin with so I wasn't taking notes. I got into that habit and when I did have a pen, it really wasn't interesting enough to me to take notes in the notebooks that they give everyone. The speakers were all men that came from poor families, little education, and are now all millionaires. One of the more unique things to it was that it wasn't about education is your ticket to success. Then again, it wasn't geared towards teenagers so it wasn't "Stay in school" it was "Become rich from where you are" But really, I wasn't interested. I tried to take things and apply them to things that I am doing at this point in my life, but it wasn't working at all. What was interesting though, was that the couple next to us we found out works for hotmail. And I am going to have breakfast with them tomorrow morning to talk to them and what not. Not actually sure what we'll talk about but its sure to be fun.
This morning was easier to get up, I talked my father into letting me sleep through one of the sessions of a lesser known guy. Peep went for the soul purpose to see if he was better than that guy. He does the same line of work, but in Estonia, so he comes to these things to get ideas and help and such. He is such a funny guy, at night he just kind of stripped and was walking around in like a speedo version of underwear. Which of course was tight and I had to look the other way or else I would start to laugh. I mean it’s so normal to him, since that’s what they do in Europe! I dunno, its just funny. He has two adorable kids that I want to meet sometime, his wife is beautiful as well. She reminds me of the woman my mother bought our house from. Except that woman was from Finland and Jane, Peeps wife is from Estonia.
I actually took notes today at a session that my father really wanted me to go to. Well, it didn't start as notes, it was more like, a glare from my father to use my pen, and so I decided to do something completely new - I drew a picture. But not just a picture, I have done lots of those before. More that I have never drawn a semi realistic picture of a face before. I always told myself that I couldn't draw, and always felt compelled to do it in pen. But I did, and I think it looks fairly good. At least for never doing it before really. It went from that to doing some writing. A few thoughts, a lot of things on my mind. I at least figured out a few things about myself. Things that I can't wait to get home and talk to Zak about. He has become my favourite person to talk intellectually with. I always feel smarter each time we talk. I hope I get to know him more. That would really be an important relationship for me to develop further. Not in the sense of a romantic relationship - I think he has said that wouldn't work, and in a since I agree. We do well as siblings. It really does mean more to me than he knows. Being an only child is lonely for me. But I'm not going to get into that. I started to think while I was sitting there listening to this lecture, I was thinking about how I have grown and matured, but in the sense of just simply internet screen names. I have changed my screen name a couple times, and I remember them all clearly, like slow advancements that show different phases. When I was 10 I wanted to play Yahoo! Games and I created the name kat10cool (Wow!) that was short lived, in 6th grade I made a Yahoo! Email account that was kit_kat33 and on Neopets kitkat33 was already taken so it became kitkat334. I have no clue how these came about other than I wanted to be called kit kat when I was in 5th grade. See, there were two Katherines in the class and the other was so…so… ergh… she wouldn’t have a nickname… so I wanted one! But Mrs. Hildebrandt wouldn’t called me Kit Kat so she told me that she would just call me Kat. ą Little known fact! Kat had nothing to do with the first three letters of my name. But luckily it was so there is more justification to it. I honestly don’t remember why I wanted the name Kit Kat… maybe I really liked the candy bar. Geez just imagine if it was the kids when they were little that got to name themselves instead of the parents. But anyways, the next was blueangel524, that only came into existence because I needed a name for hotmail when Kera and I wanted to make a community on MSN for some reason that I don’t remember. It then became my main email when I decided that I wanted to use hotmail. Then I think somewhere around last year I came up with crossedheart because of an image that I designed if I ever actually made a band. Nathan and I actually developed the image past a small scribble last year and it is now my avatar and used for everything other than rpg things. My rpg names and nicknames are many but because of a main character on Dark Age of Camelot named Candanuca, a certain someone gave me the nickname of Candy. Ever since it has become my gaming alias for LANs and such.
I also went to California Adventure for the most part of the day with my father today. We were thinking of going to one of the parks today, and it just so happened, that when we mentioned it to the couple next to us that works for hotmail, they gave us two 5 day hoping passes to the parks! I guess they got them from a couple that were planning on being there for a while but decided not to. We saved $90! It was really nice hanging out with him. We went on three rides today that we did not go on when we came to the park for the first time in 8th grade when it had just opened. The first new one was this Twilight Zone thing where you are in an ‘elevator’ and you drop stories and fly up stories, after that I wanted more of that same falling sensation and so we went on the Malaboomer which is one I was too afraid to go on last time. Its one that throws you up and down.. but like 5 times more. So flippy floppy goes my stomach and then we went on a medium roller coaster and then I was walking, and I think I strained a few of my abdominal muscles because I was having these huge pains. We did a few other things, it was really perfect weather. I bought a sweatshirt with OC (Orange County) on the front and a hat, and some more flip flops! Ate the awesome soup in the bread bowls that they have on the wharf. And then Peep joined up with my father and I for ice cream and bought me whatever Lego set that I wanted in the Lego store!! Muahaha! I got the Sirius Black escapes from Hogwarts little set since Sirius is my favourite and the Harry Potter theme of legos was better than the sports, star wars, Spiderman, and space stuff.
Sleep is good. I started writing at 7:43 and now its midnight. List incase I forget.
- AP Chemistry vs. Chemistry
- Get back into Drama / Tech?
- Computer classes vs. Drama / Tech
- L vs. N
- Listen to Tales of the Afternow
- Find other BNL CD
- Buy programming and Photoshop books
- nc present for Myles
- B-Day presents for Lucas, Colby, Marcus