Harper was working on a post for the Republic Society of Science page. The editors wanted revisions, which work had Harper in a furious, delighted, evil mood. And meanwhile, he had Martin doing most of his work.
Oh, he gave his lectures. But Martin built his boards, found his captures, took all his labs and tutorials; Martin evaluated student reports, fetched meals and took notes at meetings Harper couldn’t make; Martin traveled up the railway line to Paris or down to White Thorn, to some archive for a hardcopy Harper just had to have. It stretched Martin’s usual day up to fourteen hours, especially if he had work to finish.
This afternoon, he had taken the geology lab on deformation and cleavage in metamorphic rock. The students were hopeless. They spent the lab whispering to each other and peeking at Martin. He went from station to station, bringing up captures to show them how the links in their texts matched the rocks before them. None had done the reading beforehand; and their lab reports, which he spent the evening evaluating, had been abysmal. But this might have been because none of them could construct a simple sentence. Less time on the slam ball court, more time reading texts, that’s what Martin would advise. Shit, he had written better than this at ten, and he’d spent his childhood scrubbing loading docks.
Chapter 11 of Kelly Jennings’ novel Broken Slate is now on the website! (A bit late - sorry about that!)
This tense, invigorating novel shows the origin of Martin Eduardo, a “contract” who must battle not only societal discrimination and oppression, but also the indoctrinated restrictions within his own heart and mind. Broken Slate is being serialized online for free. It updates every other Tuesday.
Go here to read it! Or you can
start at the beginning.
Read a short story about Martin Eduardo, published in issue 13 of Crossed Genres:
Lunch Money.
Mirrored from
Crossed Genres.