The Kickstarter drive to fund the
Science in My Fiction contest surged over 50% today! We only need $324 more in the next 41 days! We’re very confident that we’ll get there. Remember, if you EVER want a print copy, you have to preorder with a pledge to Kickstarter - the contest winners will never be printed again! Only one shot!
The contest itself is moving right along; submissions are still slow, understandably… entries will be accepted through the end of June, so we expect to get 60% or more of the total entries in the last month.
Science in My Fiction has been fun recently too! Check out some of the latest fascinating posts, including
my post from yesterday about divergent evolution.
The latest chapter of
A Festival of Skeletons has been released! A Festival of Skeletons is a remarkable novel by New Zealand author RJ Astruc, being serialized on our website
exclusively for subscribers! If you’re not a subscriber, now’s the time - get a subscription for 10% off by
pledging to the SiMF Kickstarter drive! Only $0.75 per month, plus you get an e-book of the SiMF contest winners!
Reminder: This is the last month to
read and/or
purchase Issue 6, our WESTERN issue! Terrific issue, with great stories and some AWESOME art:
Next month, exactly one year after the Western issue was published, we’ll be publishing issue 18: our EASTERN issue. It’s got an absolutely breathtaking cover by Thai artist Narm; an article by Singapore writer Joyce Chng (whose story
A Matter of Possession appeared in our Alternate History issue); and 5 excellent and diverse stories:
“I Will Come Home” by Chris Fletcher
“The Only Motion is Returning” by Del Dryden
“Goddess” by Lavanya Karthik
“The Last Rickshaw” by Stephanie Lai
“When the Earth and Sea Swapped Places” by Kaolin Fire
We’re currently accepting submissions to # 19, our
Gadgets & Artifacts issue. Submissions have been pretty steady, to our relief - we didn’t want a repeat of last month when we had terribly low submission number until the final 5 days of the month.
Two nights ago Kay and I sat down and hashed out a tentative schedule for monthly themes in Year 3 of Crossed Genres. It’s always exciting looking ahead to what we’ll be doing next! Even after setting the schedule we have over 90 genres/themes left, so we’re well set for many years to come. We have some classic genres in the immediate future, as well as some interesting surprises!
Speaking of surprises - hoo boy is our schedule full! I have a project I really want to do, but I can’t see any time in my schedule until Fall 2011! Working on freeing things up a bit to hopefully get to it this year.
Post title from “Wondering Where the Lions Are” by Bruce Cockburn
Originally published at
Crossed Genres. You can comment here or