What a weekend…

May 03, 2009 23:53

Originally published at Genre Splicing: Blog Entry. You can comment here or there.

Since I took Friday off from my day job, I just spent a 3-day weekend - the first 3 days of May - doing basically 3 things:

1) Uploading Issue 6, making announcements and the various other sundry things that go with Release Time.
2) Reading, reading and a bit more reading. Then talking about what we read. Then reading some more.
3) Spending time with my son and wife.

(I swore when I started this blog for CG that I’d keep my personal life mostly out of it. I have a personal blog on Livejournal - metafrantic.livejournal.com, if anyone cares - where that stuff goes. BUT, every so often I think it’s good to throw in a little reminder of the one thing in the world that could make me drop this mag in a heartbeat if necessary:

(Okay, moving on.)

Today I sent out the first few acceptance letters for Issue 7! WOO! Now of course there’s that worrisome period before we hear back from the authors, where we can fret that they sold the story somewhere else and forgot/didn’t bother to tell us. It hasn’t happened yet, but since we accept simultaneous submissions, it’s possible. (Of course, none of the stories we’ve picked to accept thus far had any indication that they were simul subs; but we have had people pull stories from consideration before we’ve even looked at them because they were accepted elsewhere, even though they never told us they were simul subs. Today’s installment of “Don’t do that when submitting a story”: Don’t Do That.)

Note to any authors reading this blog! I’ve realized that, from your perspective, if you see me write “We’ve sent out some acceptances”, it would be very easy for you to assume that, if you haven’t gotten an email, we didn’t accept your submission. Do not assume anything until you have actually heard from us! Our acceptance process has stages; Until you have an email “in hand” from us, nothing is final.

Today also saw me keep plugging away at the new website. Most of the major things are figured out, if not actually “fixed” completely. There are still a couple very annoying items that I’m hoping to sort out in the next few days. After that it’ll mostly be making everything look pretty and ensuring that the links and such all work. (NOTE about the new site: The URLs of most pages will change! However, I’ll be arranging Forwarding, so old links will simply get sent to the new URL. Just bear in mind that soon, linking to specific pages will require a different URL than in the past.)

Over the next few days we’ll be sorting out the final acceptances, sending out emails/contracts, and Rejection letters. Expect a separate post dedicated to Rejection letters shortly. After the final selections are made we begin the actual editing process.

pimp, contracts, fiction, issue 007, rejections, quirky submissions, submissions

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