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We know we are! Around now is when we get twitchy for the imminent release. Why is tomorrow night (late) so far away?!?
Lots more reading today, and a few more submissions. We’ve actually reached the point where we’re approaching our highest-ever submission total for Fiction. We should know better than to worry. I also did some of the more dull work on the new website: cut-and-pasting content into new pages. Bo-ring. But it has to be done. There’s still some of Wordpress I haven’t figured out, so while waiting to hear back from the guru about it I got some of the grunt work out of the way.
Tomorrow’s post will probably be pretty late, possibly even after midnight, because of the many myriad things we have to do in the process of uploading and checking over the new issue, updating the store, etc. And if I’m really tired I may wait until the following morning (I’m taking Friday off from my day job) and make a really detailed post.