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Whoops, forgot to post again last night. Not really a lot going on yesterday… Mainly we’ve been going through submissions to Issue 7, and i’ve been working on the new site. My friend who’d been helping me figure out Wordpress has been awol for a few days so it’s been slow going.
We’ve also had a bit of a surge of Fiction submissions in the past couple days; we’re now right up around where were last month. That’s always nice to see. We’re also expecting to be extra busy with submissions in May - why will probably be clear on the 1st.
For some reason we’ve also gotten a much higher number of artist submissions and/or queries this month. I’m not really sure where that came from. However, considering the extra subs, I thought this might be an opportune moment to point out a few things you shouldn’t do when making submissions, based on some of my observations:
- Don’t send a submission until you’ve thoroughly read the submission guidelines. Really - we can tell if you haven’t.
- After you’ve read the guidelines, you should know that we are primarily a SF/F market. Don’t send us submissions without even the slightest hint of SF/F in them.
- Yes, we accept Nonfiction submissions. But they have to be relevant. Don’t send us your passionate treatise that has nothing to do with SF/F, writing, publishing, the current genre, and in fact has no connection to anything we’ve ever done.
- Don’t simply attach your submission and hit “Send” - especially if that submission is artwork. It’s very hard to take a submission seriously if you don’t even include your name.
Someday I’ll do a post with some of the most amusing (and head-scratch-inducing) things we’ve seen. I’ve probably got enough for a post now, but I’ll save it for a really slow day.