TODAY - Saturday, June 30 - is the FINAL DAY to submit stories to CG’s anthology
MENIAL: Skilled Labor in Science Fiction:
Other people treat laborers like the dirt they work with. But skilled labor is crucial to the continuation of human culture on earth - and if we ever wish to visit the stars, skilled labor will be indispensable.
We want stories about men and women who understand the nuts and bolts, the atmosphere and the water and the soil. You know - the things that keep us alive. We want characters who get their hands dirty every day; people who aren’t too proud to work their bodies at least as hard as their minds.
We welcome and strongly encourage submissions with underrepresented main characters: characters of color, LGBTQ characters, women characters, etc.!
2000-8000 words, Science Fiction only (No Fantasy).
Full guidelines are here!
Originally published at
Crossed Genres. You can comment here or