Originally published at
Genre Splicing: Blog Entry. Please leave any
comments there.
First: in less than an hour (where we are) It’ll be Earth Day! In recognition of this we’re offering an incentive to help keep Crossed Genres afloat and avoid killing trees at the same time: For Wednesday only, get a year’s subscription to the E-Book of Crossed Genres for only $7.50! Twelve issues in environmentally-friendly electronic format for less than the cost of ONE issue in print! Please help us out - for 83 cents an issue, what have you got to lose?
Go here to subscribe.
NOTE: Also, lock in this price forever! If you get a subscription at $7.50, your renewal price will be $7.50/year for as long as you choose to keep renewing!
(And if you’d like to help us out in a way that doesn’t cost anything, would you help spread the word? Livejournal, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter… anything would help! Thanks!)
As for the sad news: after researching and talking and considering all our options, we’ve decided that we can’t do the film screening we were hoping for. It’s simply too expensive and would eat up too much time. We’re going to see how CG’s financial situation goes, and if it improves over the next 6 months or so we may look for another screening opportunity. But right now, we just can’t afford to risk that kind of money. (But if the Earth Day sale nets a few hundred subscriptions we’ll reconsider!
We’re especially bummed out because we were looking forward to seeing this film ourselves - the only copies readily available are terrible quality, but the one we conceivably would have gotten was probably the best quality copy of that film in existence.
Finalized the PDF today, with color images this time. It came out really nice - I was a bit worried about the color when converted to PDF, but I should have known it would be fine. After all, the color covers convert well.
We’ve noticed a dropoff in submissions this month. I equate it to how we just started revealing the next couple of
Upcoming Genres; writers are considering future issues because they have more time to conceive, write and edit stories for those issues than this current one. I hope that’s what it is, anyway, and that next month will see numbers increase back to normal (or better). At any rate we’ve got a decent enough sized pool, and we’re hoping some folks will
submit stories during the last few days of the month as usually happens.