raise your hand if you knew that one wasn't going to last long ...

Jan 20, 2006 10:28

k now let's all put our hands down together. of course this is in reference to the new job that i quit as of yesterday. oops. i knew from the beginning that i wasn't the right person to be a collector. collector's are sneaky, pushy, heartless little people. i think that sententce kinda went without saying. but perhaps i wanted it to work so badly that i ignored the very obvious. until yesterday. it was only partially through the 4th day of training, and i had the ephany that this job would turn me into an anxious mess. i wasn't even on the "job" yet, and already my nails looked like hell (damn nervous habit! thought i was over biting nails, but apparently it's an on-going battle)! so when david met me for my one-hour lunch break, i decided i wasn't going back. i called the temp agency that had found me the job to let them know. not the most professional way to go about it, but it's not like they're going on my resume, so what's it matter? going back to that place just would've been a waste of their time and my energy. so i'm happy with my decision, but terrified of what that makes me (dun dun dun) UNEMPLOYED.

so my runner up job choice is - as mentioned in previous posts - going back to picc. not the best paying job, but definitely the most fulfilling. my only concern is that the old boss won't hire me back. she's wierd about things like that ... never been good at goodbye's, and i've heard she doesn't like to re-hire, even if you left on good terms, which i did. keep your fingers crossed on that one.

next on the list is a potential job with verizon through a friend. customer service i believe. that sounds like more my style. i still need to get more info on this position and if it's still available.

working in a bank would probably be rather nice. a bit scary (fear of being theived upon), but in the right part of town and with the proper security ... i'll look into this as well.

other than that, i'm doing the tedious job search thing. if all is going no where, i know BJP would take me back in a heartbeat, but i'd be much more satisfied if i could stay away from mall jobs all together! i hope i figure all of this out soon! unemployed is a scary place to be!
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