surviving the holidays

Nov 29, 2005 11:05

thanksgiving went well. my mom and dad came over to our place, i think because they didn't want to have a big mess to clean up afterwards! lol. kidding. the food was pretty good. mom and dad made the turkey, so it was not too flavorful (as usual) but not as dry as it has been in previous years!

this past saturday, david and i both called in sick to work so we could go to his mother's for her thanksgiving celebration at her home in goldbar (yeah it's an actual city - never heard of it til i met him!). i was at first reluctant to call in because i wasn't sure how pissed off work would be, but then i was like screw it! it's just a dumb mall job, one that i'm looking to replace asap anyhow! and i'm so glad that i decided to skip and go to his family's get-together! it was so much fun! his mother and her husband cooked up a gourmet style dinner, and everything tasted amazing. they're such nice people too, so i guess i lucked out on that one! dave's brother, sister-in-law, and their new baby were also able to come. i can't wait til they move back up here from oregon because they're really awesome people (they're the ones that introduced me to david) and i can tell that david misses his brother sometimes!

i've actually done some christmas shopping and it isn't even december yet! i'm doing well! i've got beth, ash & jul all taken care of already. mom will be easy to shop for. i've got some great ideas for david, i just have to figure out which one i want to go with. dad and shawn (the kids' dad) will be difficult. DANG MEN! i'm planning on buying something for steph and shana as well, but that won't be difficult. avice ... jenn ... are we exchanging this year or no? and if so, can we please actually do the exchange part of the process b/c i still have your presents from LAST CHRISTMAS all wrapped up and ready to go! and avice - i got you a friggin calendar! lol! well at least you can use the pictures as decoration, if you so choose!

i have been thinking about it, and i've assembled somewhat of a wishlist:
* nintendo - yes regular old can-be-found-at-a-garage-sale-for-5-dollars nintendo
zelda (for above mentioned nintendo)
kirby ( " " )
* fashion bug giftcard
* jewelry : 16gauge 1/4" curved barbell (found in the eyebrow section) - we have one that's solid titanium with spikes on either end for less than 20 at my store! (oh and BTW, if you shop at body jewelry plus, make a big deal about getting the buy one get the second half off sale on the body jewelry! they're trying to stop that sale, but if you ask for the sale, they'll give you the discount! they're so DUMB! we'll lose so much business (including my own, once i quit getting the employee discount!) if we quit that sale for good.)
* nice (ground) coffee. i don't mean the stuff in the big tin can, but the special flavored kinds in the bags. good flavors: hazelnut, french vanilla, irish cream, chocolate
* a new job!! (lol not a real christmas gift i guess, but let me know if you hear that someplace cool is hiring!)
* giftcard to victoria's secret
> that's all i can think of for now, but as ideas come, i'll add them on! <

it was SNOWING earlier! but then the EVIL RAIN came along and obliverated the innocent snow! keeping my fingers crossed that we'll get some more!

hope you are all enjoying the holidays as much as me! :)
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