so i was looking through my email and i see this post from xanga. Some one wrote on my guest book this very interesting message.
"Hey seem like a cutie. I like your profile...How about you instant message me on my msn at I dont use that for email just instant messaging. talk to ya there sweetie xoxo"
well i must say i was flattered but was a little weirded out. I checked out her xanga and shes in this cheerleading outfit trying to look all cute and all.
Jaron pointed out to me how many friends she had and how many comments she had on her VERY FIRST POST! it seems she just started xanga and then sent this cute message to every one on xanga.
I must say that is a very good way but very desperate way to try to get people to be your friends on xanga...
anyways thats all. Life has been good. Got an A on my anthropology midterm, got my book about non-christian parents, met my mom and dad over the weekend and spent time with them.
School is almost over!! kinda sad and kinda relieved but school is definetly pulling all the stops until it lets go of me for the summer. Got tons of stuff i gotta do like essays, tests, homework, concerts, what not.
Hope all of you aint too stressed out. Keep safe on sun God
picture of the moment