Oct 14, 2009 00:45
Tonight was Student General Meeting at college.
I'm a student so I must attend. I'm also a convenor so I have to present a report about the year.
In preparation, I wrote some notes about what I wanted to say and sent them to my co-convenor who said she would add them to the speech.
I'm sick, so I slept all afternoon and turned up to the SGM where she handed me a copy of the speech.
A) It had no parts of what I wanted to say in it
B) It insulted a member of college
Despite being very angry, I said my part of the speech (which did not have insults directed towards the college member) and sat down. Said college member took the oppotunity to publically deny everything that was said in the speech. Frustrated beyond belief, few tears slipped out.
Reasons for frustration:
1) I didn't get to say what i wanted to say in the speech and I thought I had some really good ideas
2) I was implicated as thinking something I didn't
3) I was publically humiliated for it
Result: Can't sleep, very upset.