Nothing like you and I

May 28, 2009 23:27

Okay, my journal title is a reference to the song 'Nothing like you and I' by the Perishers, my current favourite song and as much as I love it (and the tv series Greek) it's totally doing in my head cos all I do is mope about not having a boyfriend!

Of course, every time I finish an episode of Greek I run across the sink room to Rosie and lie on her bed and whinge while she looks at diagrams of beetroot cross sections illustrated with their cell biology. So far, she has agreed that boyfriends would be nice things to have but even better would be to wait and find someone I REALLY like instead of a) finding some poor guy to become my temporary boyfriend or b) kiss a bajillion people hoping that a lifelong relationship will spring out of it.

Maybe she's right. Maybe I should just wait for the guy who will love me dressed up (complete with terrible eyeliner) and going out to get trashed and carrying me home at the end of the night and also love me camped out in front of the telly with a bowl of icecream in my pjs with messy hair. The guy who will skip down the street with me and not laugh (too much) at me doing aeroplanes when I get excited and who will try EVERYTHING I cook even though its not really that great sometimes. Who can put up with my moodiness and temper tantrums and forgive me every time I accuse them of not paying me enough attention or not really liking me...

...or second thought maybe that guy doesn't exist.

And even though I am COMPLETLEY ready to wait for that guy to turn up, I kind wish I had confirmation that he was going to at some point. It would make it a hell of a lot easier.

But until then - The Perishers and cheesy teen drama-romance series it is!

tv, ramble, rant, music

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