May 04, 2009 13:58
So, on the weekend I watched RPA episodes with Mum. They were treating this 17 year old boy for cancer, they amputated his arm and most of his shoulder blade to try and get all the tumour and malignancies out. The operation went really well and he recovered quickly. I was really happy, so glad to see somebody had a happy ending. Then at the end of the show they say how all the people on that episode are going, first they show him kicking a soccer ball around then freeze the image and say 'unfortunately' and say how he passed away shortly after.
So then I watched "Masterchef", which is a fantastic show, and enjoyed watching people cooking all these different foods and try out new things and learn stuff. Then they told half the people there they had to go home because although they were VERY VERY GOOD they just weren't EXCELLENT. And that made me sad because those people got so far but didn't quite make it.
So I decided to watch Greys, where my favourite character is dying of cancer, my second favourite character spent the episode nursing a dying child and the other characters were fighting. I did see some very pretty wedding dresses though.
Is all TV this depressing? Is this why I stopped watching it?
Sometimes I'll be like "I wish my life was like on TV!" but quite honestly, I hope my life is nothing like TV and is boring and dull and not much happens.
Anti-D news, I am feeling a tiny bit less foggy but my appetite is bizarre. I get really really hungry and as soon as I take a bite of food I start feeling sick. Mum said to just use my head to decide how much I should be eating at what time of the day etc. My head says I shouldn't be eating at all, my other head says I should eat whatever I want because at the moment being happy is more important than healthy eating. Hmm.
Mum gave me ecinachea too. It's good for phlegm build up apparently. I hope so.
tv shows