Stolen 66 Mustang (Davis/Sacto CA area)

Sep 27, 2012 22:21,0,5395219.story

I just got linked to this today via my mustang club. He got the car Sept 15th (earlier than he was told it would be done) at the Mustang Picnic with a big red bow on it as a surprise.

Latest update is:

"The Mustang was seen this morning in Sacramento by someone who saw the FOX Channel 40 news story. He said the license plates were changed, but said it was the car, had the dual red line tires on it. Del Paso Road and Natomas area. Police were called, but the car had left the Rite Aid before they arrived."

Correct plate on the car is a california black and gold "NLY 385" (sounds like those are no longer on the car though)
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