John Mayer's world.

May 20, 2010 21:45

John Mayer must be some sorta of wizard or magician. He writes songs that let you feel so intensely of the emotions he describes in those songs. His songs always tell a different story, that draw you right into it. His acoustic versions combine with his soulful voice takes you on a rollercoaster ride; and up and down, and up and down, continuously. When you feel his songs, your heart will be so full that sometimes its up to your throat; Too much, too much. Yet the feeling of intensity and empathy makes me feel so alive. Its like, i get it. I know what you're saying, and we all know there are always times, when we feel that way too.

I so love him. Its like he's telling me many many stories in a string of melody.

He has become my study companion. Listening to him 4 5 hrs straight everyday is a pleasure. Admist the streneous brain workout, he tug my heartstrings. Take me into another world.


but in real life, JM is just a guy who feels too much talk too much and well perhaps think too highly of himself. hahah.
what to do? when you can feel so much yet not so smart, you think you're so superior.

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