Dec 20, 2009 20:07
Okay, posting starts tomorrow; this community is moderated, so I will be approving each post starting tomorrow evening. There are a few rules:
1 - You must post your fic and art directly to the community; once it's been approved, you can post it elsewhere. It doesn't matter how many parts you need to post for your fic to be up completely; I will only be approving one fic/art combo a day.
2 - Art larger than 500x500 needs to have a thumbnail linking to the larger image, and no thumbnail larger than 200x200 can be above a cut. Any large images need to be behind a cut.
3 - You must use the headers and subject format listed below. I will not be able to match up fic to art if you don't use the subject listed for fic or art. And we want everything looking as close to the same as possible. You may add to the fic and art headers, but you have to use what is being given to you first.
Word Count:
Content Warnings:
Authors Notes: (this is optional)
Fic Title:
Content Warnings:
Artists Notes: (this is optional)
Subject Lines
FIC: Fic Title - Fandoms - Rating | ART: Fic Title - Fandoms
If you have any questions please leave them here. You can start posting now if you're ready.
Also, for the person I said could post first, can you remind me who you are so I can approve your fic as soon as possible?
.mod post