Fic - The Past Increases, The Future Recedes - Star Trek Into Darkness/Sherlock

Aug 14, 2013 14:50

Title: The Past Increases, The Future Recedes
Author(s): Ragna (scandalbaby)
Artist: banbury
Crossover: Star Trek Into Darkness/Sherlock
Type: Gen with mentions of future Het
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 24,050
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh, James T. Kirk, Spock, Nyota Uhura, Leonard McCoy, Montgomery Scott, Carol Marcus, Mrs. Hudson, Sherlock Holmes, Molly Hooper, Greg Lestrade, Sally Donovan, Mycroft Holmes, John Watson; mentions of future Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper and hints of James T. Kirk/Carol Marcus.
Warnings: Non-explicit character death
Spoilers: None, I suppose, since the movie's out of theaters now
Summary: Six years after the events that resulted in Admiral Marcus's death and Khan's return to a cryogenic state, a shadowy organization in Starfleet who wants to continue Admiral Marcus's work in a militarized Starfleet wake Khan up as he is being transported to a prison planet. He escapes, and it is up to the crew of the newly returned Enterprise to track him down and recapture him. Kirk accepts the mission, taking McCoy, Uhura, Scotty, Carol and Spock to go investigate the abandoned hangar where Admiral Marcus had the battle ship built. Khan is there, and he's been working on his own agenda, building a transwarp device that would allow him to travel through time as well as space. To protect himself, Khan jumps to 21st century London, and Kirk and his crew quickly follow. They convince a newly returned Sherlock and some of his friends of who they really are, thanks to Carol being a descendant of Sherlock Holmes and Molly Hooper and having detailed knowledge of those two particular ancestors, but before they can get Khan and get back home Khan kidnaps John Watson. Now the play for power has begun.
Author’s Notes: Many thanks to my friend Shinji for giving me so many of the good ideas and kind of betaing this for me. Also, much love to banbury for the beautiful art! Everyone I showed as I got updates was floored by how pretty it was.

Link to Story Master Post: Here on AO3
Link to Art Master Post: Here on LJ
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