Title: It's All Coming Back To Me
enochiansigils and
evian_forkCrossover: Primeval/Charmed
Type: Het
Rating: R
Word Count: 33,154
Characters/Pairings: Captain Hilary Becker/Phoebe Halliwell
Warnings: Some sex scenes
Spoilers: None
Summary: Hilary Becker had been in love with Phoebe Halliwell and he thought the feelings were reciprocated. Then one day he woke up, and she was gone. She left no note and he couldn't find her to get an explanation. Eight years later, he finds out where Phoebe is and that she has kept an important secret from him -- one that she had no right to keep. Now Hilary and Phoebe have to deal with the actions of the past before they can't fight against Phoebe's life of the present in order to give them a chance at a future. However, demons on a vengeance kick won't be the worst of their problems.
Author’s Notes: Thanks to
evian_fork for the great art!
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