Round 1 Master Post

Jan 13, 2011 01:17

THank you to all the authors and artists who took part in Round 1. Under the cut or all the crossover stories and art made for the first round.

Title: Constant Companion
Author:: emmademarais
Fandoms: Numb3rs/Firefly
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 18K
Content Warnings: Graphic sex, Slash between two men who are brothers in canon but not in this AU
Spoilers: Pilot (Numb3rs), Serenity (Firefly)

Fic Post

Title: Home is Where Your Story Begins
By: FaithDaria and PaBurke
Summary: God told Joan, “I said your life will be easier. Easier doesn’t mean better. I told you two years ago that I was preparing you for battle. That battle won’t be easy, but it will be worthwhile. And if you make the convenient choice now, you won’t be ready for the hard choices later.”
Genre: Crossover, Joan of Arcadia/Supernatural/Dresden Files
Rating: PG-13, for language, reference to sexual situations, and adult subject matters
Pairing: references to offscreen Sam/Joan
Spoilers/Warnings: Takes place after the finale of Joan of Arcadia, with the premise that season 2 took place during Joan’s senior year of high school. Abrupt left turn in the Supernatural timeline after “Crossroad Blues.”
Disclaimer: Harry Dresden, Father Forthill and the Carpenters belong to the excellent Author: Jim Butcher. Joan Girardi and family belong to Barbara Hall. Sam and Dean Winchester are the creation of Eric Kripke. Work done entirely as entertainment, for no monetary gain.

Fic Post

Title: One Sister's Vow
Author:: ansera
Artist: chosenfire28
Fandoms: Merlin, Harry Potter
Rating: FRAO
Word Count: 39, 078
Warnings: Slash, Het, Explicit Violence
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Pairings: Merlin/Arthur, Uther/Igraine, Percy/Oliver, Ron/Hermione (Other minor pairings both het and slash)
Spoilers: None for Merlin and up to 'Deathly Hallows' for Harry Potter
Summary: When Special Auror Merlin Emrys is forced to protect Muggle Arthur Pendragon, he assumes that the job will be an easy one. Then he meets the man, and he just might kill Arthur before anyone else can.

Fic Post

Fic Title: One Sister's Vow
Artist: chosenfire28
Fandoms: Merlin/Harry Potter
Content Warnings: Slash, Het, Cannon Character Death, Violence
Spoilers: none for Merlin and up to Deathly Hollows for Harry Potter
Summary: When Special Auror Merlin Emrys is forced to protect Muggle Arthur Pendragon, he assumes that the job will be an easy one. Then he meets the man, and he just might kill Arthur before anyone else can.

Art Post

Title: No One Mourns the Wicked
Author:: sailorhathor
Fandoms: Miracles/Supernatural/Scream Crossover
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 55,542 total
Summary: Dean comes to the realization that the resemblance between Paul Callan and Billy Loomis is significant to the coming Apocalypse, so he tells SQ about the relationship he had with Billy in 1995 and how he tried to save Billy from his downward spiral into infamy.
Pairings: Dean/Billy, Dean/Paul, Dean/Billy/OFC, light Sam/Tatum, Billy/Stu, Party Guests/Other Party Guests (slash, het, het/slash threesomes)

Fic Post

Fic Title: No One Mourns the Wicked
Artist: sailorhathor
Fandoms: Miracles/Supernatural/Scream
Content Warnings/Spoilers: (In post)

Art Post

Author: Name: trinipedia
Fandoms: Supernatural/HSM (give it a chance, please?)
Warnings: incest, gore, angst (but hey, you've watched the show, right?)
Pairing: Sam/Dean, Troy/Gabriella
Rating: R for language and hinted stuff
Word Count: ~ 15k
Spoilers: heavy spoilers for HSM 3, none for SPN (pre-series)
Summary: Gabriella and Sam left everything behind to go to Stanford, and their fateful meeting does little to ease their loneliness, as Dean and Troy meet on the road, quickly becoming friends and allies in their shared quest of getting back the ones they love.
Once they get to Stanford, though, they're faced with a mysterious murder; Dean decides to investigate and Troy, who's afraid Gabriella is in danger, tags along.
Meanwhile, Sam has to face weird and gory nightmares which might in fact not be nightmares at all: he'll have to team up with his brother once again, in order to solve the mystery before Gabriella becomes the next victim.

Fic Post

Artists Name: liliaeth
Fandoms: Supernatural/HSM (give it a chance, please?)
Warnings: incest, gore, angst (but hey, you've watched the show, right?)
Pairing: Sam/Dean, Troy/Gabriella
Rating: R for language and hinted stuff
Word Count: ~ 15k
Spoilers: heavy spoilers for HSM 3, none for SPN (pre-series)
Summary: Gabriella and Sam left everything behind to go to Stanford, and their fateful meeting does little to ease their loneliness, as Dean and Troy meet on the road, quickly becoming friends and allies in their shared quest of getting back the ones they love.
Once they get to Stanford, though, they're faced with a mysterious murder; Dean decides to investigate and Troy, who's afraid Gabriella is in danger, tags along.
Meanwhile, Sam has to face weird and gory nightmares which might in fact not be nightmares at all: he'll have to team up with his brother once again, in order to solve the mystery before Gabriella becomes the next victim.

Art Post

Title: Eat it Twilight
Author:: liliaeth
Fandoms: Supernatural/Criminal Minds
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 45.791
Content Warnings: death of children, religious themes, violence
Spoilers: both for s5 of CM and SPN
Beta: runriggers, just_ruth, faithburke
Disclaimer: I don't own either, no matter how much I might want to
Pairing: Not an issue

Fic Post

Fic Title: Eat it, Twilight
Artist: lightthesparks
Fandoms: Supernatural/Criminal Minds
Content Warnings: None for art (G rating), see Author’s notes for fic warnings.
Spoilers: Slight character spoiler for S5 of SPN

Art Post

Title: The Soul Job
Author:: Jedi Buttercup
Rating: PG-15
Word Count: 25,000
Warnings: Language; mentions of adult behavior.
Notes: Angel/Leverage crossover, set during 5.8 "Destiny" for Angel and post-2.9 "The Lost Heir Job" for Leverage. More notes on fic post. Thanks so much to my beta,maevebran, for general awesomeness and for introducing me to Leverage in the first place; and my artist, lyl_devil, for her fabulous artwork!
Summary: It's been a long time since Lindsey McDonald and Eliot Spencer went their separate ways... but if ever a man was in need of the leverage their team could apply, it was Eliot's brother. 25,000 words.

Fic Post

Fic Title: The Soul Job
Artist: Lyl (lyl_devil)
Fandoms: Angel/Leverage
Content Warnings: Does lack of colour count?
Spoilers: Very, very mild ones for the story and the canonical events discussed within.
Artists Notes: I feel I must apologize for the minimal use of Christian Kane in the art - there's really no excuse for my behaviour. :)
Author:'s Summary: It's been a long time since Lindsey McDonald and Eliot Spencer went their separate ways... but if ever a man was in need of the leverage their team could apply, it was Eliot's brother.

Art Post

Title: Welcome to Cleveland
Author:: margarks
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Stargate Atlantis
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 15,600
Content Warnings: None
Spoilers: Through the end of both shows

Fic Post

Fic Title: Welcome to Cleveland
Artist: Davincis_girl
Fandoms: Stargate Atlantis/Buffy
Content Warnings: None for art (G rating), see author's notes for fic warnings.
Spoilers: Post final season for both series.
Artists Notes: This is my second contribution to [info]crossbigbang"> with working with margarks. If you are a McShep or Spander fan, please check out her story.
Summary: John and Rodney are in Cleveland checking out some strange scanner results. They find Spike and Xander battling a Wraith instead.

Art Post

Title: Lapsang Souchong
Author:: avamclean
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural
Rating: FR15
Word Count: 17688
Content Warnings: hell imagery, language
Spoilers: Supernatural episodes “I Know What You Did Last Summer” and “Heaven and Hell”
A/N: This story is part of the ‘Miles to Go’ series and is a sequel to ‘Oleander Wine
Synopsis: Buffy’s just getting the hang of her new life, her new enemies and the open road when she’s needed back home, but is Sunnydale still her home?

Fic Post

FicTitle: Lapsang Souchong
Artist: dana_chosenart
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Supernatural
Content Warnings: none
Spoilers: Supernatural Season 4, Btvs Season 3
Artists Notes: My first ever big bang thanks to the Author: of the fic.
Synopsis: Buffy’s just getting the hang of her new life, her new enemies and the open road when she’s needed back home, but is Sunnydale still her home?

Art Post

Title: Rumored to the Straight and Narrow
Author:: leighleighla
Fandoms: Supernatural/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13ish for stuff
Word Count: 23,326
Spoilers: Supernatural So Far, Doctor Who up to Journey's End
Timeline: Doctor Who: About 30 years into the future in Pete's World. Supernatural: a few months after the apocalypse ends
Summary: After the Apocalypse, Dean Winchester attempts to put his life back together, which includes accompanying his new girlfriend to her grandparents' house for Christmas. While Miranda Tyler's grandparents, parents and two older brothers seem harmlessly eccentric, it seems Dean is in for a couple of surprises. Sadly, not of the naked kind.

Fic Post

Fic Title: Rumored to the Straight and Narrow
Artist: Davincis_girl
Fandoms: Doctor Who/Supernatural
Content Warnings: None for art, see author's notes for fic warnings. Characters shown--Dean Winchester, Doctor Who, Rose Tyler, Jackie Tyler, and original characters.
Spoilers: None
Artists Notes: This is my first contribution to crossbigbang with the wonderful writer leighleighla.
Summary: After the Apocalypse, Dean Winchester attempts to put his life back together, which includes accompanying his new girlfriend to her grandparents' house for Christmas. While Miranda Tyler's grandparents, parents and two older brothers seem harmlessly eccentric, it seems Dean is in for a couple of surprises. Sadly, not of the naked kind.

Art Post

.mod post, .round 1

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