Meme And Stuffs!

Jul 06, 2010 11:25's been one year to the day since husband_brother rescued me and set in motion our epic, awkward story. It's also the first day of her chunk of time off. Awesome, or most awesome?

Anyway, here's a meme! About my LJ. Since this LJ has nothing to do with my old one, and has actuals reasons for being named and set up as it is.

What is your LiveJournal username? How did you come up with it?


There's actually a story behind this one! When I made my new journal, I really wanted a name that wouldn't be too fandomy, but for me would at least still have some kind of fannish connection. Fandom's a huge part of my life. I originally wanted across_the_sky, from the Emilie Autumn song. But of course that was taken. So I just dropped the 'A' and found I really liked 'cross the sky', and went with it. And the fannish reference is one that's removed and a bit hard to follow, so I won't bother attempting to explain Faye-logic there.

Have you renamed before? If so, what were your old names? If you haven't renamed, what names would you want to rename to?

Uh, not so much 'renamed' as 'made a new journal because it was easier'. And if I ever changed my username again...I'd probably just switch it to match my twitter: Somethingsocool.

How much does your userinfo say about you?

Uh...enough? There's honestly not much I feel like spewing in my user info. It hits the major points: disabled lesbian who smokes pot.

How long have you been on LiveJournal

A long time. Eight or so years, at least.

What is the longest amount of time you've gone without posting?

A few months, I think. One of my panicky 'oh man the net is a bad scary place that hurts my heart' hiatuses.

On average, how many entries do you post per day? (Divide how many total entries you have by how many days you've been on LJ.)

I'm not doing maths for a meme! About one, unless I've got something I just NEED to say.

What are your posts normally about?

My life? What I've done, what I've watched on TV, what video games I'm playing, fan fic, whatever.

Is your LiveJournal friends only? Why or why not?

Not this one. I lock posts that discuss in any explicitness my marijuana use, but that's about it. And that's just because one never knows who may end up reading your LJ.

Does your LiveJournal have an actual title or are you merely USER @ LiveJournal?

How could I have an LJ without a title? It's 'If You Sing Loud and Clear...someone passing by will surely hear'. It's a line from another Emilie Autumn song, Rapunzel. Which is what most of the journal is based around. And that line, whenever I see it or hear it or think it, just makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside, because it's true!.

Yes, I'm a giant squishy dork.

How long do you see yourself staying on LiveJournal?

I don't know. It's honestly not like I need an audience, just a platform. I suppose until I either leave the internet or it explodes.


How many people are on your friendslist, not counting private journals, media journals, etc?


I...I feel like I need to make a joke!

Why do you choose to add a person to your friendslist?

They ask me to? Unless I've asked first, then it's because I think they're a cool person I'd like to interact with.

Is your friendslist an actual list of people you consider friends, or more of a reading list?
Friends. That was the whole point of this journal. I'm not following anyone for fic or whatever, but for them.

How often do you read your friendslist?

At least once a day.

Do you use filters when viewing your friendslist?

How much do you talk to people on your friendslist off of LiveJournal?

I...don't? I'm really, really bad at direct communication that isn't face to face. I have issues with it. I rely so much on tone and body language and facial expression that I will often have nervous attacks when communicating without those things in a real time conversation. Even over the phone, I have a hell of a lot of issues.

Do you do friends cuts? Why or why not?

Not official ones.

Do you regularly participate in friending memes? If not, how do you normally find people to friend?

Not anymore. I find cool people through communities. New people I've added over here were people I got to talking with in comments elsewhere and liked.

How often do you add new friends to your friendslist?

Not terribly much.

Do your friends have to have things in common with you?

Well...that is sort of the whole basis for friendship, isn't it? And wanting to talk to someone...


How many userpics do you get maximum? How many of those slots do you actually use?

I've got 30! And I think I'm using 27 or so now.

Do you mostly use icons made by yourself or by others?

Mostly my own, or ones made for me. A lot of my icons are little in-jokes, uber-fannishly specific, or make no sense to anyone who's not me. I do have a couple from other folks though, that were too awesome too pass up.

Do you have your own icon community? How often do you post in it?


What fandoms are most frequently seen in your userpics?

Well, considering 20 of my icons are directly Lost Odyssey related... then we have Venture Bros and Metalocalypse. If I had caps, Avatar would so be represented, too. I need some awesome Mai icons...

How do you find icons to use?

Usually I'll write a post, realize I need an icon for it, and then make one.

How often do you upload new icons to use in your userpics?

It really depends on my mood, and how hard I'm multi-fandoming.

Which of your userpics do you use the most?

Caramel!Ming hands down gets the most use, that's the whole reason it's my default. Followed probably by...either 'Dirty Deeds' or 'makes no sense' - which gets a lot of use in communities.

Which of your userpics do you like the most?

I have to choose? Well, I do adore my Squee!Sarah, very very much.

The old minimum number of userpics was three. Could you see yourself "surviving" on three userpics now?

I had managed to forget the Dark Times....

What do your userpics say about you?

That I'm a giant geek with some random, random interests.

meme, real life

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