Please check if all the information here is correct if you worked for the radio station.
Any suggestion for new jobs are highly welcome.
Cross U Radio Director - Soubi Agatsuma
Cross U Radio Assistant Director - Kio Kaidou
Promotion Manager - Zoro Roronoa
DJ POSITIONS [In otherwords, the weekly music uploaders!]
Monday - Soubi Agatsuma
Tuesday - Omi Tsukiyono
Wednesday - Chidori Kaname
Thursday - Allen Walker
Friday - Natsuo
Saturday - Hideaki Asaba
Sunday - Joey Wheeler
- Soubi Agatsuma's Secretary - Kio Kaidou (It works, okay? XD)
- Kio Kaidou's Secretary - OPEN (The assistant of the assistant, in otherwords.)
- Omi Tsukiyono's Secretary - OPEN
- Kaname Chidori's Secretary - OPEN
- Allen Walker's Secretary - OPEN
- Natsuo's Secretary - OPEN
- Nami's Secretary - OPEN
- Yoshiko Kayura's Secretary - OPEN
- Hideaki Asaba's Secretary - OPEN
- Zoro Roronoa's Assistant - Malik Ishtar
- Joey Wheeler's Secretary - OPEN
- Renge Hoshakuji's Secretary - OPEN
Music News Anchor - OPEN
Weather Anchor - Nami
Gossip Show - OPEN
Advice Line - Tatsuha Uesugi
Love Line - Renge Hoshakuji
Application information here. :D
Position Desired:
Why you chose this position:
Date of Availability:
Future Goals:
Work Experience:
Anything Else:
Applications can be filled in two ways! Either leave a comment here with your filled form or you can drop it to me over AIM at my sn chou yuuwaku. Once that's done, an appointment will be scheduled. (Yes, and Soubi will be interviewing any potential new staff.) For secretarial positions, you will have to ask the person you want to secretary for first before coming an interview.
Drop by crossradio plskthxbai. :D